"Paul Di Filippo - Personal Jesus" - читать интересную книгу автора (Di Filippo Paul)тАЬThank you, Jesus.тАЭ Shepherd arose and cleared away the remains of his breakfast. He brushed his teeth, grabbed his universal arfid chop on its lanyard (he was old-fashioned enough not to have it implanted), and set out on foot for the nearby caf├й where he worked as a barista. ShepherdтАЩs neighborhood was immaculate and in fine conditionтАФevery lawn razored trim, every mailbox proudly decorated, every gutter free of debris and litter. The residences and storefronts were scrubbed and shiny. Cheerful pedestrians strolled to work or school or play. Many of them were engaged in whispered conversation with their godPods. But an equal number chatted eagerly among themselves. At the intersection of Fourth and Hope, Shep-herd witnessed a minor accident between two silently powered autos. Juggling a hot drink, the driver of one car neg-lected to obey a STOP sign. The other driver, with the right-of-way, was already halfway through the intersection. The errant driver clipped the rear bumper of the other car. Immediately, numerous automatic safeguards within the little vehicles kicked in, cushioning the drivers and immobiliz-ing both cars. The drivers emerged unhurt and smiling. They nodded politely to themselves, shook hands, exchanged insurance information via arfids, climbed back into their cars, and drove away. No police or other authorities arrived, nor were they needed. In fact, ShepherdтАЩs medium-sized city boasted a force of only nine police officersтАФand that number was divided evenly across three shifts. Shepherd continued on foot to The Sheaf and Swallow. The caf├йтАЩs mock-Tudor facade projected a welcoming ambiance, and patrons were already thronging the entrance, despite the early hour. Sidling inside through the crowd, Shepherd passed beyond the counter. His arfid automatical-ly clocked him in as he tied an apron on. Within minutes, he was fashioning complicated caffeinated drinks with the aid of a burly, hissing machine and the help of his co-workers, including the petite and perky Anna Modesto. Then, as he frothed a dented tin pot of milk, his godPod spoke to him. Jesus said, тАЬShepherd, I believe there is a very good chance you will be enjoying intercourse tonight with Ms. Modesto.тАЭ **** |