"Dibdin, Michael - Aurelio Zen 02 - Vendetta UC - part 07" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dibdin Michael)The archives clerks had gone back to their desks, now
that the fun was over. Zen gathered up the papers relating go the Spadola case and started to put them into some sort of order while he awaited confirmation that the video tape he had produced from his pocket after dropping the file was indeed the genuine article. Suddenly his hands ceased their mechanical activity. Zen scanned the smucigy carbon-copied document he was holding, looking for the name which had leapt off the page at him. XXX informed that Spadola was in hiding at a farmhouse near the village of Melzo. At 04.00 hours on 16 July personnel of the Squadra Mobile under the direction of Ispettor Aurelio Zen entered the house and arrested Spadola. An extensive search of the premises revealed various items of material evidence (see Appendix A), in particular a knife which proved to be marked with traces of blood consistent with that of the victim. Spadola continued to deny all involvement in the affair, even after the damning nature of the evidence had been explained to him. At the judicial confrontation with Par- rucci, the accused uttered violent threats against the witness. Once again, Zen felt the superstitious chill that had come over him that night after viewing the Burolo video. Fausto Arcuti into a state of mortal terror! It seemed quite uncanny that the same man should figure again in the file which Zen had asked to see two days before as part of his stratagem for substituting the blank video tape. But he had no more time to consider the matter, for at that moment the clerk reappeared, video cassette in hand. 'It's the right one,' he confirmed grudgingly. 'So where did the other come from, I'd like to know?' Zen shrugged. 'I'd say that's pretty obvious. When I brought the tape back the other day, you got it muddled up with the file I asked to consult at the same time. When you couldn't find it you started to panic, because you knew that it had been handed back and that you would be responsible. So you substituted a blank tape, hoping that no one would notice. Unfortunately, one of my colleagues had asked to see the tape, and he immediately discovered that...' 'That's a lie!' the man shouted. Snatching the Spadola file from Zen, he abruptly went on to the attack. 'Look at this mess you've made! It would be no wonder if things sometimes did get confused around here with people like you wandering in and upsetting everything. Leave it, leave it! You're just making a worse muddle. |