"Dibdin, Michael - Aurelio Zen 02 - Vendetta UC - part 07" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dibdin Michael)

sive stabs of the index finger, exaggerated shrugs and
waves of dismissal, cupped palms pleading for sanity and
attention-claiming grabs at each other's sleeves. Zen only
gradually became aware of an interference with these
sharply etched scenes, a movement seemingly on the
other side of the glass, where the ghostly figure of Tania
Biacis was shimmering towards him in mid-air.
'I've been looking for you all morning.'
He turned to face the original of the reflection. She was
looking at him with a slightly playful air, as though she
knew that he would be wondering what she meant. But
Zen had no heart for such tricks.
'I was down in Archives, sorting out that video tape
business. Where is everyone, anyway?'
A distant pl ione began to ring.
'Don't go!' Zen called as he hurried back to his desk.
He snatched up the phone.
'Good morning, dottore,' a voice whispered confiden-
tially. It sounded like some tiny creature curled up in the
receiver itself. 'Just calling to remind you of our lunch
appointment. I hope you can still make it.'
'Lunch? Who is this?'
There was long silence.
'We talked last night,' the voice remarked pointedly.
Zen finally remembered his arrangement with Fausto
'Oh, right! Good. Fine. Thanks. I'll be there.'
He put the receiver down and turned. Tania Biacis was
standing close behind him and his movement brought
them into contact for a moment. Zen's arm skimmed her
breast, their hands jangled briefly together like bells.
'Oh, there you are,' he cried. 'Where's everyone gone
It was as though he regretted being alone with her!
'They're at a briefing. The chief wants to see you.'
'When else?'
He frowned. The Ministry of Justice might phone back
at any minute, and as it was Friday the staff would go off
duty for the weekend in half-an-hour. He had to have that
'Would you do me a favour?' he asked.
The words were exactly the ones she had used to him
two days earlier. It was clear from her expression that she
'Of course,' she replied, with a faint smile that grew
wider, as he responded, 'You don't know what it is yet.'
'You decided before I told you what I wantecl,' she
pointed out.