"The World Jones Made" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dick Phillip K)The World Jones Made
by Philip K. Dick eText version 1.1 ________________________________________________________________ DESTINY WAS IN HIS HANDS! Security agent Cussick was an old hand at outwitting possible enemies of the twenty-first century government. But in the bespectacled young man named Jones he met his match. Because Jones could call Cussick's every move - and call it in advance! For that matter Jones knew everything in advance - except the nature of the cosmic visitors who drifted down from outer space. And yet it was around these aliens that Jones built up his drive to absolute power - a drive which was universal in scope and which no one could stop. Because Jones knew all the answers a year ahead of time. That is, all the answers except one. ________________________________________________________________ PHILIP K. DICK, author of The World Jones Made, is a young and rising star in the science-fiction constellation. His first book, Solar Lottery, published by Ace Books in 1955, called forth much excited comment from reviewers and readers. For instance, Damon Knight writing in Infinity magazine, said of the author that "it's as if Robert Sheckley should abruptly turn into a combination of Alfred Bester, Henry and Catherine Kuttner, and A. E. Van Vogt." H. H. Holmes, writing in the New York Herald-Tribune, called the book "as elaborately exciting as vintage Van Vogt - with an added touch of C. M. Kornbluth's social satire." However, we think that Philip K. Dick is not just a combination of others, but a really new great writer on his own merits. And we think that his latest novel, this one, will prove it. ________________________________________________________________ THE WORLD JONES MADE PHILIP K. DICK ACE BOOKS, INC. 1120 Avenue of the Americas New York, N.Y. 10036 THE WORLD JONES MADE Copyright й, 1956, by A. A. Wyn, Inc. All Rights Reserved ________________________________________________________________ To Eph Konigsberg who talked fast and talked very well |