"Dixon, Franklin W - Hardy Boys 043 - The Mystery Of The Aztec Warrior" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dixon Franklin W)

The three Hardys nodded, and the boys' father added, "He was a bachelor, I believe. Rather eccentric and not in town for very long periods."

"That's right," said the lawyer. "He travelled a great deal. Mr Moore had no relatives closer than cousins. There are a number of beneficiaries mentioned in his will, but none of them can receive any money until a certain mystery is cleared up."

Mr Weaver revealed that although Mr Moore had written his will by hand, it was quite clear and legally acceptable. There had been two witnesses.

"But these two men are deceased and therefore cannot answer any questions that might help to solve the mystery." The lawyer smiled, "I'm sure you three sleuths are eager to hear what the mystery is. I will read you certain paragraphs in the will."

From a drawer he pulled out a document and read: "'I direct that the valuable Aztec warrior be given to the rightful owner who claims to be a direct descendant of an Aztec warrior.'"

"Is that all?" Joe queried as Mr Weaver stopped speaking. "The person isn't named?"

"No," the lawyer answered. "There are two other notations which concern you three." He turned to the last sheet of the will and read aloud: "`I direct that Fenton Hardy, detective of Bayport, and his sons Frank and Joe find the Aztec warrior and deliver his property to him. All expenses are to be paid from the corpus of my estate, and no monies are to be awarded to my beneficiaries until the Aztec warrior's property is returned to him."'

Mr Hardy asked that the two sections in the will be read again. After hearing them, he frowned, puzzled. "Have you any leads, Otis?"

"Not one. I've questioned each of the beneficiaries and other people who knew Mr Moore, but none of them can offer a solution. There's one more item concerning you detectives. This sentence reads: 'The Hardys must find Roberto Hermosa."'

Mr Weaver handed a copy of the will to Mr Hardy, asking if he would like to read it to see if there were any clue the lawyer had missed. The detective studied the document, then commented, "The rest of the will is quite clear. I'll just copy the parts which concern the boys and me."

While Mr Hardy was busy writing in his notebook Joe remarked, "Roberto Hermosa sounds Spanish. I wonder who he is."

"I don't know," Mr Weaver said.

Frank asked the lawyer if he had any idea what the Aztec warrior object was.

"No, none."

"Maybe it's a statue of an Aztec Warrior," Joe said.

"There's none in Mr Moore's house;" the lawyer answered quickly.

"Could it be some kind of stuffed bird or animal?" Frank queried. "The winged serpent was sacred to the Aztecs."

"I didn't find any on the premises - or any paintings of birds or animals," Mr Weaver replied. "In fact, I didn't come across any object which might have even a remote connection with an Aztec warrior."

Mr Hardy, recognizing an interesting challenge, said enthusiastically, "Otis, my sons and I will start working on the case very soon."

Frank and Joe were thrilled and asked if they might begin at once. Their father said he had an appointment and must leave.

"Suppose Frank and I go out to the Moore estate," Joe proposed. "Maybe if we look around the house we'll find a clue to the mysterious object."

The lawyer said he would take them. He drove out of town along a road where there had once been large private estates which were now housing developments. He remarked that as soon as the Moore mystery was solved, the deceased man's property would be sold to a development company. "That will add a nice sum for the beneficiaries."

Presently Mr Weaver turned into a drive lined by stately old pine trees and pulled up in front of a large Victorian house, with grounds bordered by trim hedges. The lawyer parked the car and led the way up the high steps of the large porch. He unlocked the door, and the three entered.

The interior was attractive, with highly polished mahogany furniture. Heavy red curtains hung the full length of the livingroom windows which reached almost from ceiling to floor. A large desk stood at one end - of the room just beyond an enormous stone fireplace.

"As you search for clues here," said Mr Weaver, "you will find that this is typically a bachelor's home. Housekeepers whom Mr Moore employed from time to time were not permitted to add any feminine touch to the furnishings."