"Cory Doctorow - Return to Pleasure Island" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dodd Christina)

near as anyone can tell, distributing free electronic versions of books is a
great way to sell more of the paper editions, while simultaneously getting the
book into the hands of readers who would otherwise not be exposed to my work.

I still don't know how it is artists will earn a living in the age of the
Internet, but I remain convinced that the way to find out is to do basic
science: that is, to do stuff and observe the outcome. That's what I'm doing
here. The thing to remember is that the very *worst* thing you can do to me as
an artist is to not read my work -- to let it languish in obscurity and
disappear from posterity. Most of the fiction I grew up on is out-of-print, and
this is doubly true for the short stories. Losing a couple bucks to people who
would have bought the book save for the availability of the free electronic text
is no big deal, at least when compared to the horror that is being irrelevant
and unread. And luckily for me, it appears that giving away the text for free
gets me more paying customers than it loses me.

You can find the canonical version of this file at

If you'd like to convert this file to some other format and distribute it, you
have my permission, provided that:

* You don't charge money for the distribution

* You keep the entire text intact, including this notice, the license below, and
the metadata at the end of the file

* You don't use a file-format that has "DRM" or "copy-protection" or any other
form of use-restriction turned on

If you'd like, you can advertise the existence of your edition by posting a link
to it at http://craphound.com/place/000014.php


file:///C|/3226%20Sci-Fi%20and%20Fantasy%20E-...row%20-%20Return%20to%20Pleasure%20Island.txt (2 of 22) [1/3/2005 12:31:30 AM]

Here's a summary of the license:


Attribution. The licensor permits others to copy, distribute,
display, and perform the work. In return, licensees must give the
original author credit.

No Derivative Works. The licensor permits others to copy,
distribute, display and perform only unaltered copies of the work