"Cory Doctorow - Visit the Sins" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dodd Christina)

o Merchandise made tea and conversation, both perfectly executed and Measures
without soul. It drove Sean's father bugfuck, and he'd
тАв COMMUNITY inevitably have a displaced tantrum at Sean in the car on by Matthew
the way home. The first time Grampa had switched on in Johnson
o Forum Sean's presence -- it was when Sean was trying out a
prototype of Enemies of Art against his father's own As 18 December
o Readers'
All Right-Thinking People Know -- it had scared Sean 2006
Pale as he was,
Grampa had been in maintenance mode, running through a it was hard to
series of isometric stretching exercises in one corner while believe he
Sean and his father had it out. Then, suddenly, Grampa would never
was between them, arguing both sides with machinegun rise from this
passion and lucidity, running an intellect so furious it bed. Even in
appeared to be steam-driven. Sean's tongue died in his the darkest
mouth. He was made wordless by this vibrant, violent times, she had
intellect that hid inside Grampa. Grampa and his father hadnever really
traded extemporaneous barbs until Grampa abruptly feared for him;
switched back off during one of Sean's father's rebuttals, he had always
conceding the point in an unconvincing, mechanical tone. been strong, so
Sean's father stalked out of the house and roared out of strong.
the driveway then, moving with such speed that if Sean
hadn't been right on his heels, he wouldn't have been able Love Among
the Talus
to get in the car before his father took off.
by Elizabeth
And now, here was Grampa in maintenance mode. He