"I 03 - Brothers Majere" - читать интересную книгу автора (3))

Brothers Majere
Copyright *1989 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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DRAGONLANCE and DRAGON we regiweied trademark! owned by TSR, Inc. The TSR logo b * trademark owned by TSR, Inc.
Fint Printmf: December 1969
Printed in the United Stain of America.
Library of CongreM Catalog Card Number: 88-51720
ISBNi 048038-7764
AD characten in thi╗ book are fictitioul. Any rufmbhnct to actual penont, livinc or
dead. Х purely coincidental.
RO.Bm7Sti 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton
Ukc Geneva, Wl Cambridge CB1 3LB
53147 UAA. United Kintdon
/ was about to dedicate this book to Rett, when suddenly ....
I would like to thank the following people for their indispensable aid:
Margaret Weis, the Queen of Darkness, whose teachings and advice are like a much-needed chocolate-covered cattle prod.
Barbara Peekner, my agent, a mysterious voice at the end of the phone.
My friends and other strangers, for encouragement and support.
Map of
.2- -V' -
u Creole's estate "'i
& 1 Wrightwood's estate \ / -.Raisitlinand
meet Bast
^M^^M^^л^^MB^^^= 1. Cereal Crops
Mereklar 23 E"^*
ЧЧЧЧ - 1 Sir
3. Vegetables
4. Sugar
^Х^^BB^KES^KO^MV^ 4. Sugar
.-Х:.vX 5. Forage Crops (straw and alfalfa) :":/i.:{V:>:f:*i? 6. Fruits and Nuts --Хx:-':'-i :/-V::'C:'-V.'7- Hyava .--.V:i:'ХХХХХ:::-Vx "-^.p/i'-V; B. Oil Crops ___
^lll'W^.Iлf " V """ '" " """"' "
* \\" ^S^ ХХ╗'- '^3^ g Alvins estate^ SA.^^ ,.г&M* %^
I Х ^^^ ..^iPlgife. :^S
| Raistlin finds fight ^T Eastgate ftv-vjS/fS'S?^"" ': 'Х
^ ..^^ %/^. :":^^^" !
^Shavas's Masak's estate . "<::"'
Mestate i ^ \ "^
I Eanvig^^ | Хmeets "^
^Catherine . . ,"*Х;
^ Х Manion s estate