"Dragons Dawn" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dragon Stories)

productive land, the old imperatives don┤t apply. No, she added in private
cynicism, people are already discovering new ones. She thought of the
friction she had sensed between the charterers, who had raised the
staggering credits needed to finance the Pern expedition, and the
contractors, the specialists hired to round out the basic skills required
for the undertaking. Each could end up with a largeous amount of land or
mineral rights on this new world, but the fact that the charterers would
get first choice was a bone of contention.
Differences! Why did there always have to be distinctions,
arrogantly displayed as superiorities, or derided as inferiorities?
Everyone would have the same opportunity, no matter how many stake acres
they could claim as charterer or had been granted as contractor. On Pern,
it would truly be up to the individual to succeed, to prove his claim and
to manage as much land as he and his cared for. That would be the catholic
distinction. Once we┤ve landed, everyone will be too bloody busy to fret
over ╗differences,л she consoled herself, and watched in fascination as a
second low-pressure area began to spin down from the hidden north across
the sea. If the two weather systems melded, there would be a tremendous
storm over the eastern curve of the oceanic islands.
╗Looking good,л Commander Ongola murmured in his deep, sad bass
voice. Emily had not seen him smile once in the six months she had been
awake. Paul had told her that Ongola┤s wife, children, and entire family
had been vaporized when the Nathi had attacked their service colony; Paul
had specifically requested him to join the expedition. Stationed at the
science desk, Ongola was monitoring the meteorology and atmospherics
displays. ╗Atmospheric content as expected. Southern continent temperatures
appear to be normal for this late winter season. Northern continent
enjoying considerable precipitation due to low-pressure air masses.
Analyses and temperatures consistent with EEC report.л
The first probe was doing a high-altitude circumnavigation in a
pattern that would allow it to photograph the entire planet. The second,
taking a low-level course, could reexamine any portion required. The third
probe was programmed for topographical features.
╗Probes four and six have landed, sir. Five is on hold,┤┤ Sallah
went on, as she interpreted the new lights that had begun to flash.
╗Scuttlebugs deployed.л
╗Show them on the screens, Mister Telgar,л the admiral said. She
transferred the displays to screens three, four, and six.
Pern┤s image continued to dominate the main screen as the planet
rotated slowly to the east, from night to day. The southern continent┤s
coastline was day-lit; the spinal range of mountains and the tracks of
several rivers were visible. The thermal scan was showing the effect of
daylight on the late winter season of the southern continent.
Probe scuttlebugs had been landed at three not-yet-visible specific
points in the southern hemisphere and were relaying updates on current
conditions and terrain. The southern continent had always been favored as
the landing site the survey-team report mentioned the more clement weather
patterns on the high plateaus; a wider variety of plant life, some of it
edible by humans; eminently suitable farmland; and good harbors for the
tough siliplex fishing vessels that existed as numbered pieces in the holds