"Kerr, Katharine - Westlands 02 - A Time Of War v1.1" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dragon Stories)

СWell, I was kind of thinking the same thing, about the river, I mean.Т
СWe will pray to the thirteen gods who protect travellers before we set out today, But first, letТs lead the horses to their drink, and break our own nightТs fast.Т
After the horses were watered and tethered out on the grassy bank to graze, Jahdo knelt by the gear, took out a few small pieces of fiatbread and some chewy dried apples, a scant handful each for him and Meer, and laid them on a clean rock while he repacked the saddle bags to balance. Behind him Meer was strolling back and forth, singing under his breath and rehearsing phrasing, as he always did with a particularly important prayer. All at once the bard fell silent. Jahdo slewed round to find him standing frozen, his mouth slack, his head tilted as if he listened for some tiny sound.
СWhat is it?Т Jahdo got to his feet. СWhat be wrong?Т
Meer tossed back his head and howled. Never had Jahdo heard such a sound, a vast vibrating ululation of grief, all the worldТs mourning, or so it seemed, gathered and rolled into this long long wail, wavering and shrieking up and down the bardТs entire register.
СMeer!Т Jahdo ran to him and grabbed his arm. СMeer! Tell me. What be so wrong?Т
Another howl answered him, then another, long cascading waves of grief ajnd agony, while Jahdo shook his arm and begged and shouted and in the end, wept aloud in sheer frustration. The sound of his tears cut through the bardТs rapt anguish.
СForgive me, lad,Т Meer gasped. СBut my brother, my brother! I think heТs dead.Т
СWhat?Т Shock wiped the tears away. СDead? When? I mean, how can you know?Т
СJust now, and the brother bond told me.Т
Meer shook the boyТs hand away and stalked into the forest. Jahdo hesitated, then decided that Meer would need to be alone, at least for a while. He wiped his face on a dirty sleeve, then picked up the food again, packing MeerТs share away, eating his own while he squinted up at the sun. Not even half of the dayТs first watch had passed since the mazrakТs cry had wakened them.
СIТll bet it was the mazrak, too,Т Jahdo said aloud. СIТll bet that ugly old raven does have much to do with this.Т
Thinking of the mazrak made him shudder in cold terror. He ran across the open space, hesitated on the edge of the forest safety, groaned aloud, then dashed back again to grab the tether ropes of the horse and mule.
СI donТt even want to think about that raven getting you,Т he told them. СCome on. LetТs go find Meer.Т
HeТd led them to the forest edge when he remembered their gear, spread out near the riverbank. Without Meer to lift the pack saddles, he couldnТt load the stock. Snivelling and crying in sheer frustration, he led the horse and mule onward. Fortunately, Meer was quite close, standing at the edge of a small clearing. Jahdo urged the horses into this sliver of open ground and dropped their halter ropes to make them stand.
СMeer?Т He hesitated, wanting to ask the bard how he fared, realizing that the question was stupid. СMeer, it be Jahdo.Т
Meer nodded, turning his sightless eyes the boyТs way.
СMeer, we canТt just stay here. Forgive me, but weТve got to do something. If that mazrak -Т
СTrue.Т The bardТs voice sounded thick, all swollen with grief. СNo need to beg forgiveness. YouТre right enough.Т
СAre we going to go back west now?Т
СCanТt. IТve got to make sure heТs dead. In my heart, I know, but how can I tell my mother that I learned of his death without bothering to find out how or why or where he lies buried?Т
СWell, truly, that would be kind of cowardly. SheТll want to know.Т
Meer nodded his agreement. Jahdo chewed his lower lip, trying to find the right words. There were none, he supposed.
СMeer, I be so sorry.Т
Meer nodded again.
СUh, IТm going to go get the food and what I can carry.Т
The bard said nothing, sinking to his knees, his face turned to the earth.
Jahdo went back and forth, carrying armloads of sacks and bags, dragging the heavy pack saddles, staggering under their bedrolls, back and forth until at last he was exhausted but their gear safe in the tiny clearing with the horses. During all of this the bard never moved nor spoke. Jahdo went back to the river one last time for a long drink. He splashed water over his head and arms, as well, then knelt for a moment, looking up at the sky, A few stripes of mareТs tail clouds arched out from the west, but nothing moved below them, not even a normal bird. Shuddering he hurried back to the forest.
This time the bard looked up at the sound of his footsteps.
СDo you want to stay here for a while?Т Jahdo said.
СI need to collect myself.Т MeerТs voice was thin and dry, the sound of reeds scraping together. СMy apologies, Jahdo. My apologies.Т
СIt be well. I do be real tired, myself. I just wish there was somewhat I could do.Т
Meer shrugged and sighed.
СI guess you wouldnТt know where your brother is? I mean, well, you know.Т
СI donТt, IТm afraid, no more than I knew where he was when he was alive.Т His voice choked on the last word. СBut we donТt need scrying crystals to guess whatТs happened. His false goddess has deserted him, and in the end no doubt sheТll do the same to all who believe in her! A curse upon her and her evil prophets both!Т
СI guess all we can do is keep going east and hope and pray and stuff. I be so scared.Т
But wrapped in his grief the bard never heard him. Meer clenched one enormous fist and laid rather than pounded it against a tree trunk. Under his breath he keened, a low rumble rather than a wail, yet it rose and fell with agony. All at once Jahdo realized a small horror -without eyes Meer couldnТt even weep. At last the Gel daТThae fell quiet. For a moment he stood silently, then turned and spoke in an unnaturally flat voice.
СBest be on our way. Whatever that may be.Т
All that day they headed more south than east, following the river and luck as well, to make a grim camp at sunset. Meer spoke only to the horse and mule, and in his own language at that, leaving Jahdo to bad dreams of seeing some member of his own family killed beyond his reach to stop it. For MeerТs sake he kept hoping that the bard was wrong and his brother still lived, but some days later they found that MeerТs inborn magic had revealed the truth.
It was getting on late in the afternoon when the river, which had turned due east, grew suddenly wider, suddenly shallow. They might be drawing near to the ford Evandar had told them about, Jahdo supposed. He was beginning to think of finding them a campsite, when the boy saw black specks wheeling against the sky at some distance and, as far as he could tell, anyway, on the other side of the river. Meer stopped walking.
СWhatТs that?Т he snapped. СDo you see birds? I hear them calling a long way off.Т
СI can see them, sure enough. There be a lot of them. I donТt know what kind they are. They fly too far off, but they look really little, not like rnazrakir.Т
СGood. Well, letТs see what theyТre up to. Lead on.Т
Some yards on they came indeed to the ford, and on their side tall white stones marked its spread, just as Kvandar had told them. Although the water ran shallow enough for Meer and the horses, Jahdo had to pick his way across the rocky bottom in water up to his waist, but he didnТt dare ride one of the pack animals and leave Meer to guide them. Since the river fed off the mountain snowpack, he was chilled deep by the time they scrambled onto the grassy bank at the far side. Meer felt his damp tunic, then laid the back of one furry palm against the boyТs cheek.
СWeТd best keep walking. Warm you up a little.Т
СWell and good, then. Do you still want to see what those birds are?Т
СI do. I have dread round my heart, but I must know the truth.Т
MeerТs fear turned out to be more than justified. As they travelled on, heading more south than east, the distant bird cries resolved themselves into the harsh cawing of ravens, wheeling and dipping over some unknown thing.
СIt might just be a dead deer,Т Jahdo said.
Meer only grunted for an answer and strode onward, swinging his stick back and forth before him like an angry scythe. After some hundred yards the horse and mule suddenly tossed up their heads and snorted. Their ears went back and they danced, pulling on their lead ropes.