"Kerr,.Katharine.-.Deverry.01.-.Daggerspell" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dragon Stories)

Note that OI is never a diphthong, but is two distinct sounds, as in carnoic (KAR-noh-ik).
Consonants are as in English, with these exceptions:
C is always hard as in cat.
G is always hard as in get.
DD is the voiced th as in thin or breathe, but the voicing is considerably more pronounced than in English. It is opposed to TH, the unvoiced sound as in the or breath.
R is well and truly rolled.
RH is a voiceless R, approximately pronounced as if it were spelled hr.
DW, GW, and TW are single sounds, as in Gwendolen and twit.
Y is never a consonant.
I before a vowel at the beginning of a word is consonantal, as it is in the plural ending -ion.
Doubled consonants are both sounded clearly, unlike in English. Note that DD is considered a single consonant.
Accent is generally on the penultimate syllable, but compound words and place names are often an exception to this rule.
Following is a list of some of the more important names and words in the text, which should help the reader get a feel for the language.
Aberwyn AHB-ehr-wuhn
Adoryc a-DOR-yhk
Braedd brayth (voiced th)
Brangwen BRAHN-gwehn
Cadwallon cad-WAHL-lon
Cannobaen CAHN-noh-bayn
Cerrgonney kairr-GON-nee
Cullyn KUHL-luhn
Deverry DEHV-ehr-ree
dweomer DWEHOH-mer
Eldidd EHL-dith (voiced th)
Gerraent GAIR-raynt
Gilyan gihl-LEE-an
Gweran GWEHR-an
Lovyan lov-EE-an
Lyssa LEES-sah
Macyn MAHK-uhn
Maroic MAHR-oh-ihk
Nevyn NEH-vuhn
Rodda ROTH-ah (voiced th)
Rhodry HROH-dree
Rhys hrees
Wmmglaedd OOM-glayth (voiced th; the second m is silent here, an exception to the rule)
Ynydd EE-nuhth (voiced th)
Ysgerryn ees-GAIR-ruhn
Ysolla ee-SOHL-lah
A Note on Dating
Year One of the Deverry calender is the founding of the Holy City, approximately 76 C.E.

Prologue in the Year 1045

Men see life going from a dark to a darkness. The gods see life as a death. . . .
The Secret Book of Cadwallon the Druid

In the hall of light, they reminded her of her destiny. There, all was light, a pulsing gold like the heart of a candle flame, filling eternity. The speakers were pillars of fire within the fiery light, and their words were sparks. They, the great Lords of Wyrd, had neither faces nor voices, because anything so human had long since been burned away by long dwelling in the halls of light. She had no face or voice either, because she was weak, a little flicker of pale flame. But she heard them speak to her of destiny, her grave task to be done, her long road to ride, her burden that she must lift willingly.
УMany deaths have led you to this turning,Ф they said to her. УIt is time to take your Wyrd in your hands. You belong to the dweomer in your very soul. Will you remember?Ф