"Kerr,.Katharine.-.Westlands.04.-.A.Time.Of.Justice" - читать интересную книгу автора (Dragon Stories)

'Bruise? I suppose it is.Т
'Didn't it ache your heart to love a man and then have him refuse to claim you?'
Vyna shook her head in a hard shudder
СThere was never any way he would have married me. I always knew that All this time, I've been carrying the secret in my heart, and it hurts like poison. It was Lord Madryc, Beryn's son.Т
'So that's why his noble mother was so kind.Т
She nodded, her eyes brimming tears.
'Did you love him?'
'I hated him and every inch of his twisted guts, but how could I say him nay? He always stank of ale, and he'd grab me so hard that I truly thought he'd kill me some night in his pleasure. When I heard he'd been hanged, I laughed and laughed and laughed.Т
'Ah. He sounds a man much like his father. I can't say I honour this stinking Beryn, if he'd be ready to kill his own grandson to drive home a threat.Т
СThat's not true. His lordship would never know who sired my baby. Madryc never would have admitted the thing, not to his father. I swear, the old man has twice the honour of his rotten ugly son, and he might have beaten him black-and-blue Her ladyship made me promise never to tell the lord. That was the price of the coins she gave me You should have seen her, Jill, mincing and practically holding her noble nose, and all because her precious little son had blasted well raped me. Ah ye gods, I hated him, always stinking of sweat and ale.Т
Picking up her mood, the baby began to whine and fuss. Jill finished her dressing and left them alone.
Although Jill rode behind Rhodry for most of the way to town, when they came in sight of the walls she dismounted and walked on alone, getting a good headstart in case Vyna's mysterious contact should be waiting at the town gates. Following the kitchen lass's instructions, Jill went past the market square, turned down the street by the saddlemaker's, and saw at last the tavern with the wooden sign of an ox hanging over the door. At the doorway she paused, peering into the dim smoky room, which smelled of sour ale and roast meat. Near the hearth the man Vyna had described was watching a couple of merchants play at dice. A blond man, with the high cheekbones and narrow eyes of a southerner, he glanced her way and smiled.
Jill looked over her shoulder as if she were afraid of something, then beckoned him to follow her. As he set his tankard down she left the doorway and walked round back, to find no sign of Rhodry and Lallyc. In her heart she cursed them both and wished she were wearing her sword. When the fellow came up, Jill let out a little squeak and pretended to have a stone in her shoe. She knelt down, letting the hood fall around her face, and mimed getting it out.
'Here,Т he said. 'Is someone following you?'
Jill shook her head no.
'You're not Vyna! What is this?'
'She sent me instead.' Jill got up slowly. 'Cook wouldn't let her leave the dun.'
'I don't believe a word of that, lass.'
When he stepped forward to grab her, Jill charged, taking him so off-guard that she got a good punch in his stomach before he could defend himself. With a grunt he staggered back, then recovered and swung open-handed at her face. Hampered by the long dresses, Jill dodged barely in time.
'You little bitch! What is this?'
When he lunged again, she dodged sideways, then tripped over the hem of her dress and nearly fell. He grabbed her by the shoulders and hauled her up, yelped as she raised a knee and got him hard between the legs, but hung on grimly and tried to pin her back against a wall. A shout - Rhodry's voice - the man let go and spun round to run for it. Jill slammed her fist into his kidneys, kicked him in the back of the knee, and shoved him to the ground just as Lallyc and Rhodry raced up.
'You bastards' What took you so blasted long?'
'A crowd on the streets ' Lallyc knelt down and disarmed their prey
By then the noise had attracted a smallish crowd of its own
'Naught to worry about, lads ' Rhodry called out 'This stinking swine was trvmg to rape this poor innocent lass We'll )ust take him along to the heryn '
Dwaen and half the dun were waiting by the honour hearth in the great hall. Although Vyna identified their prisoner as the man who met her regularly, nobody in the warband recognized him for a member of Lord Bervn's troop The tieryn questioned him, Rhodry mocked him, and Lallyc got in a few barbs of his own, but the prisoner never said a word, not even his name, merely smiled with faint contempt during the entire session Finally, Lallyc glared at the man and rolled up a sleeve with exaggerated care
СThere's more than one way to get a man to talk, Your Grace '
'Not in my dun!' Dwaen snapped 'I know what you're planning, and you can }ust put it out of your mind '
'His grace is an honourable man,' Rhodry broke in 'But his life is at stake Lallyc and me can just work him over some place where you don't have to watch '
'You won't1 I won't have a helpless man tortured It's against the will of the gods, and that's an end to it!'
The prisoner looked at the lord with eyes poisoned by contempt.
'We'll take you along to the gwerbret ' Dwaen seemed unaware of the look 'If you refuse to give evidence in the malover, then the laws state he can put vou to death, and so we'll see how long you keep your lips laced Lallyc, get one of the men to shut him in a shed Keep him under guard, and make sure he's got food and water, decent food and water, mind '
Later that afternoon Lord Cadlew returned with ten men from his warband As the two lords, with Rhodry in attendance, sat drinking in the great hall, Dwaen noticed Ylaena halfway up the spiral staircase and hanging over the rail like a child trying to see what the grown-ups are doing down below Apparently Cadlew noticed her, too, because he blushed for no discernible reason
СThere's somewhat we'd best settle before we ride,Т Dwaen said. 'Do you want to marry my sister? She wants to marry you.'
Cadlew's grip tightened on his tankard.
'I realize she's far above me in rank, and never would I let such a thing come between us, Your Grace.'
'Don't be a stuffy bastard. I have every intention of seeing you two betrothed if it pleases you both.'
'Oh.' Cadlew considered the ale in his tankard for a long moment, then got up, slowly and deliberately. 'Perhaps I'd best speak formally to your mother.'
'It seems advisable, truly.'
Cadlew looked his way, started to speak, then merely grinned. He dashed for the staircase, though Ylaena was gone, doubtless back to the women's hall to wait for her suitor there as formality demanded. Dwaen watched him running up after her till he ducked out of sight onto the landing above, then turned to Rhodry.
'Well, there. If Beryn does manage to dispose of me, Cadlew will inherit through Ylaena, and Beryn will regret the day he ever made an enemy out of my friend.'
'I believe it, Your Grace. From what I've seen of Lord Cadlew, he'd get you a splendid revenge, but I'd just as soon he didn't have to. I've been thinking about the precautions we should take once we reach the gwerbret's dun. I haven't forgotten that fellow in Caenmetyn who tried to hire me to kill you.'
'For all we know, Beryn's planning on attacking us on the road. If he's got one of his men watching the dun from a distance, he'll know when we're riding out and lay another ambush in the forest. That reminds me - where's Jill?'
'Up in the women's hall, Your Grace. She told me earlier that the local gossip was truly interesting, whatever she means by that.'
Like Dwaen, Jill had been wondering if Beryn was going to try another ambush, but the combined warbands, followed by a six pack of horses laden with gifts of food for the gwerbret's hall, reached Caenmetyn without incident. Although Gwerbret Coryc's provincial demesne wras a poor one by gwerbretal standards, his dun walls rose imposingly enough round a huge central broch surrounded by four squat half-brochs and a cobbled ward. While Dwaen, with Cadlew and Rhodry along for witnesses, went to the great hall to lay his formal complaint, Jill helped the servants haul all their gear up to the tieryn's chambers in the main tower. While they worked, she made friends with one of the menservants and got him to introduce her to the various servitors, particularly to the head groom, a stocky fellow, mostly bald, named Riderrc.
It was easy for her to use her horse, a beautiful golden gelding of the breed known as Western Hunter, to get a friendly conversation going. While they discussed Sunrise in particular and horses in general, she asked casual questions about the various important officials in the dun, particularly the chamberlain, the most important of all.
'He's a decent enough lord, I suppose.' Riderrc sucked his teeth in a meditative way. 'Fussy about every blasted detail, but no one bribes him for a favour, I tell you.'
'Amazing! Many a chamberlain's got rich selling access to his gwerbret.'
'Our Tallyc would choke rather than take lying silver.'
'Interesting. Well, I'd best be getting back upstairs.'