"David Drake - Belisarius 3 - Destiny's Shield" - читать интересную книгу автора (Drake David)The ambassador was now much closer. He was rather tall, and slender of build.
His complexion was perhaps a bit darker than that of most Greeks. His face was lean-jawed and aquiline, dominated by a large nose. His beard was cut in the short square style favored by Persians. The ambassador was wearing the costume of a Persian nobleman. His gray hair was capped by the traditional gold-embroidered headdress, which Persians called a citaris. His tunic, though much like a Roman one, had sleeves which reached all the way down to the wrists. His trousers also reached far down, almost covering the red leather of his boots. Seeing the bright color of the ambassador's boot-tips, the Emperor felt a momentary pang. His old father -- his real father -- had a pair of boots just like those. "Parthian boots," they were called. His father favored them, as did many of his Thracian cataphracts. The ambassador was now close enough that the Emperor could make out his eyes. Brown eyes, just like his father's. (His old father; his new father had no eyes.) But the Emperor could detect none of the warmth which was always in his old father's eyes. The Persian's eyes seemed cold to him. The Emperor lifted his gaze. High above, the huge mosaic figures on the walls of the throne room stared down upon him. They were saints, he knew. Very holy folk. But their eyes, too, seemed cold. Darkly, the Emperor suspected they probably hadn't been very nice either. The severe expressions on their faces reminded him of his tutors. Sour old men, whose only pleasure in life was finding fault with their charge. He felt as if he were being buried alive. "Of course you're hot," whispered Theodora. "You're wearing imperial robes on a warm day in April. What do you expect?" Unkindly: "Get used to it." Then: "Now, act properly. The ambassador is here." Twenty feet away, the Persian ambassador's retinue came to a halt. The ambassador stepped forward two paces and prostrated himself on the thick, luxurious rug which had been placed for that purpose on the tiled floor of the throne room. That rug, the Emperor knew, was only brought out from its special storage place for the use of envoys representing the Persian King of Kings, the Shahanshah. It was the best rug the Roman Empire owned, he had heard. Persia was the traditional great rival of the Roman Empire. It wouldn't do to offend its representatives. No, it wouldn't do at all. The Persian ambassador was rising. Now, he was stepping forward. The ambassador extended his hand, holding the scroll which proclaimed his status to the Roman court. The motion brought a slight wince to the face of the ambassador, and the Roman Emperor's fear multiplied. The wince, he knew, was caused by the great wound which the ambassador had received to his shoulder three years before. The Emperor's real father had given him that wound, at a famous place called Mindouos. He's going to be mean to me. "I bring greetings to the Basileus of Rome from my master Khusrau Anushirvan, |