"David Drake - Piet Ricimer 02 - Through the Breach UC" - читать интересную книгу автора (Drake David)7 BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF HAMMER'S SLAMMERS AND IGNITING THE REACHES GH BRfAcff DAVID 0 BAK[ ISBN 0-441-00171-8 > $19.95 (> *25.95 CAN) THROUGH T R E RRfACH Slarnmers is considered one of the classics of military science fiction. In his 1994 novel, Igniting the Reaches, he took us on an epic journey to. the farthest reaches of space where pirates ruled a new age of *expansion and opportunity. Now, Drake returns to that world, a universe of untold possibility, wealth, and danger.. Their mission is called the Venus Asteroid Expedition, but it has little to do with legiti- mate trade. General Commander Piet Ricimer and Stephen Gregg are leading an armada of four ships from the relatively civilized clouds of Venus out beyond the orbit of Pluto, deep into the Reaches where trade and piracy are one and the some- and expedited with a gun. Their destination is the Mirror, an impene- trable membrane covering another universe -0 universe where all the riches of the Federation are held in ports, ripe for plun- dering. There is only one place where the |