"02 - Faery Lands Forlorn 1.0" - читать интересную книгу автора (Duncan Dave)and the throng of soldiers milling around in the thin gray light. There was no
sound, only the vision in the glass. "See?" the sorceress muttered. "No sign of your lover." "He was not that! Merely a loyal subject!" "Hah! He'd have been slobbering all over you as soon as he got the chance. They all do. But I don't see the goblin, either; nor one of the set. " Inos blinked tears from her eyes. "And look here!" Rasha said. The scene lurched sideways and steadied again. Several of the legionaries were leaning out the great south casement, staring down. "Either they had the sense to jump," Rasha said, "or they just got thrown. Thrown, I expect." The scene blurred as the tears won over the blinking. Rap and Aunt Kade-only two of her father's subjects had stayed loyal to Inos. And now there was only Kade. 3 Eastward, a faint glow rising from the sea was washing the stars from the sky, playing on waves that rolled in monotonously from the dark to lap a beach already shining like hammered silver. Westward, behind Rap, the jungle was wakening into carillons of birdsong. He had never heard melody like that. He had never breathed such air-warn and affectionate on the skin, sweet with scents of sea and vegetation. The humidity stole his breath away. It made his head spin, seducing him like a hot bed. It felt decadent. He distrusted such air, and the soft warm sand, also. Morning was coming, and he had not slept at all. His eyelids kept drooping, no eyes, for his farsight told him that no danger lurked nearby. Nothing larger than a raven stirred within that dense foliage, and whatever those jeweled birds might be, they were not ravens. He had already scanned carefully as far as he could reach, satisfying himself that the forest was not merely deserted, it was impenetrable, a tangle of lush vines, succulent leaves, and nasty fleshy flowers. It teemed with bugs and snakes. He had never known trees so huddled, nor so varied. Three young men stranded on a beach ... Oppressed by the sticky warmth after the brittle chill of Krasnegar, they had all stripped off their heavy clothes. Imp and faun sat with aims on knees; the goblin was stretched out on his back. They had established that they had nothing-no money and no weapon except Little Chicken's stone dagger. They had no idea where they were. Rap had just finished telling Thinal of his two earlier encounters with Bright Water, witch of the north. He was certain that it had been the voice of the old goblin woman that had summoned Little Chicken to the casement and thus brought all three of them here-wherever here was. Thinal made a shivery noise. "She's not around now, though, is she? I mean, you can't farsee her?" "No. But she doesn't always show to my farsight, even when my eyes can see her. " Rap brooded a moment, and then said, "Is it true she's mad?" Thinal squealed. "Don't say such things! " He whimpered. "Why not? She's either not here or she's spying on us, and that's not polite. " "Polite? Rap, witches and warlocks don't give a spit about polite! " "But do sorcerers lose their power as they grow old? If she's three hundred |