"02 - Faery Lands Forlorn 1.0" - читать интересную книгу автора (Duncan Dave)Musk and flower scent hung in the air like syrup.
Despite her worry over Rap and the others, despite her bonedeep weariness, Inos was intrigued by these exotic, alien rooms. They were like nothing she had ever seen, not even in the Duke of Kinvale's collection of lithographs; a collection that he had amassed from all over the Impire, and had inflicted on her during several mind-numbing afternoons. Neither in art nor reality had she ever seen decor so alien. Double doors vast enough to admit a coach and four stood shut; against the opposite wall was an absurdly huge bed, the largest four-poster in the world, wide and high, draped in filmy gauze. Then her eyes had adjusted to the gloom and the nature of some of the statuary penetrated her fog-shrouded mind. She took an incredulous second look at the illustrations on the walls and was suddenly very glad that such obscenities were so poorly lighted. Kade would have an apoplectic fit. Hastily Inos turned her attention back to the sorceress. Surely the legionaries would be breaking down the door by now? "You must save them!" Rasha spun around. "Must? You say must to me, child?" "I'm sorry, your Majesty! But I beg of you please save them!" "Why should I?" inquired the sorceress, smirking. "Because they'll be killed!" "Better than what you'd have got, dearie, if I'd left you there! You know what gangs of men do to pretty girls?" "No!" Inos had never even considered such a thing. Imperial legionaries? A band of raiding jotnar, certainly, but not the imperor's army! It had been Rap who had been in danger, and the goblin, also-not her! "Not that!" "Yes, that! " the sorceress said, her mouth twisting in an expression Inos could not read. "I know more about men than you'll ever guess at it, sweetie girl. Inos was still a couple of steps up, staring down at her in horror. Possibly the sorceress thought she was not being believed, because she suddenly discarded about twenty years, to become again the gem-bedecked, sylphlike maiden who had so bewitched Rap, her flesh glowing hot and tantalizing through garments of mist. She smiled mockingly up at Inos. "All men have to do is die, and they have to do that eventually, don't they? That's nothing compared to what a woman might get. What do I owe them? What does any woman owe a man, ever?" She glanced past Inos, apparently at Azak. "Well, Wonderstud?" Receiving no answer, she chuckled and turned away, sauntering toward the great bed with her hips swinging, ruddy flesh and ox-blood hair shining through garments that seemed to have become flimsier than ever, over a body even more voluptuous. Inos had heard of women who dressed like that and behaved like that-had heard of them mostly in whispered tales in the castle kitchens. She had never expected to see a queen do such things. Shakily she descended the last couple of steps, fighting back tears, trying to scrape some last trace of strength from the bottom of her personal barrel. Her knees trembled with exhaustion. Her head told her that the sultana's palace was rocking gently, like a ship, and that was not very likely. Soon she would simply fall over. Oh, Rap! Rasha must be a very powerful sorceress, but she might be crazy, also. Was her hatred of men genuine? Had she endured the sort of experience she had hinted at? Could anyone ever believe anything said around here? |