"Books - David Eddings - Belgarath the Sorcerer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

steadfast companionship of a mate.

At length we found a band of hunters near the edge of that vast
primeval forest where Belar, the Bear God, dwelt with his people. To
the amazement of my companion, I resumed my own shape and approached

"I have a message for Belar," I told them.

"How may we know this to be true?" one burly fellow demanded
truculently. Why is it that Alorns will go out of their way to pick a

"You know it's true because I say it's true," I told him bluntly.

"The message is important, so quit wasting time flexing your muscles
and take me to Belar at once."

Then one of the Alorns saw my companion and threw his spear at her. I
didn't have time to make what I did seem natural or to conceal it from
them. I stopped the spear in mid-flight.

They stood gaping at that spear stuck quivering in the air as if in the
trunk of a tree. Then, because I was irritated, I flexed my mind and
broke the spear in two.

"Sorcery!" one of them gasped.

"Amazing level of perception there, old boy," I said sarcastically,
imitating Belmakor at his best.

"Now, unless you'd all like to live out the rest of your lives as
cabbages, take me to Belar at once. Oh, incidentally, the wolfs with
me. The next one of you who tries to hurt her is going to spend the
rest of his life carrying his entrails around in a bucket." You have
to be graphic to get an Alorn's attention sometimes. I beckoned to the
wolf, and she came to my side, baring her fangs at them. She had
lovely fangs, long and curved and as sharp as daggers. Her display of
them got the Alorns' immediate and undivided attention.

"Nicely done,"

I snarled admiringly to her. She wagged her tail, her lip still curled
menacingly at those thick-witted barbarians.

"Shall we go talk to Belar, gentlemen?" I suggested in my most
civilized manner on the theory that sometimes you have to beat Alorns
over the head.

We found the God Belar in a rude encampment some miles deeper into the