"Books - David Eddings - Belgarath the Sorcerer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)"One does not understand what you mean."
"I think you do. The females belong to the nice one. It is not proper for you to admire them so openly." Regardless of my reservations about the matter, it was fairly obvious that she had made some decisions. I thought it might be best to head that off. "Perhaps you would wish to return to the place where we first met so that you may rejoin your pack?" I suggested delicately. "I will go along with you for a while longer." She rejected my suggestion. "I was ever curious, and I see that you are familiar with things that are most remarkable." She yawned, stretched, and curled up at my feet-being careful, I noticed, to place herself between me and those Alorn girls. The return to the Vale where my Master waited took far less time than my journey to the land of the Bear God had. Although time is normally a matter of indifference to them, when there's need for haste, the Gods can devour distance in ways that hadn't even occurred to me. We set out at what seemed no more than a leisurely stroll with Belar asking me questions about my Master and our lives in the Vale while the of this, my impatience made me bold enough to get to the point. "My Lord," I said, "forgive me, but at this rate, it'll take us almost a year to reach my Master's tower." "Not nearly so long, Belgarath," he disagreed pleasantly. "I believe it lies just beyond that next hilltop." I stared at him, not believing that a God could be so simple, but when we crested the hill, there lay the Vale spread before us with my Master's tower in the center. "Most remarkable," the wolf murmured, dropping to her haunches and staring down into the Vale with her bright yellow eyes. I had to agree with her about that. My brothers had returned by now, and they were waiting at the foot of our Master's tower as we approached. The other Gods were already with my Master, and Belar hastened into the tower to join them. When my brothers saw my companion, they were startled. |