"Books - David Eddings - Belgarath the Sorcerer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)Let each take his own people and journey into the west. Beyond the mountains wherein lies Prolgu ye shall find another fair plain--not so broad perhaps, nor so beautiful as that which Torak hath drowned this day, but it will sustain the races of man." "And what of thee, my brother?" Mara asked him. "I shall take my disciples and return even unto the Vale," Aldur replied. "This day hath evil been unloosed in the world, and its power is great. The Orb hath revealed itself to me, and through its power hath the evil been unloosed. Upon me, therefore, falls the task of preparation for the day when good and evil shall meet in that final battle wherein shall be decided the fate of the world." "So be it then," Mara said. "Hail and farewell, my brother." And he turned and with Issa and Chaldan and Nedra and all their people, they went away toward the West. But Belar lingered. "I will not go to the West with the others, but will take my Alorns to the unpeopled lands of the Northwest instead. There we will seek a way by which we may come again on Torak and his children. Thine Orb shall be returned unto thee, my brother. I shall not rest until it be so." And then he turned and put his face to the north, and his tall warriors followed after him. My master watched them go with a great sadness on his face, and then he turned westward, and my brothers and I followed after him as, sorrowing, we began our journey back to the Vale. PART TWO THE APOSTATE CHAPTER SEVEN My brothers and I were badly shaken by the outcome of our war with the Angaraks. We certainly hadn't anticipated Torak's desperate response to our campaign, and I think we all felt a gnawing personal guilt for the death of half of mankind. We were a somber group when we reached the Vale. We had ongoing tasks, of course, but we took to gathering in our Master's tower in the evenings, seeking comfort and reassurance in |