"Books - David Eddings - Belgarath the Sorcerer" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)and at a time that were not a part of the original design of all
creation. The death of a star is a titanic event, and the death of this particular star was made even more so by its unfortunate proximity to other stars. Ye have all studied the heavens, and therefore ye know that the universe is comprised of clusters of stars. The particular cluster of which we speak consisted of so many suns that they were beyond counting, and the wayward sun that died in their very midst ignited others, and they in turn ignited more. The conflagration spread until the entire cluster exploded." "Was that anywhere near where we are now. Master?" Belsambar asked him. "Nay, my son. The EVENT took place on the far side of the universe --so far in fact that the light of that catastrophe hath not yet reached this world." "How is that possible, Master?" Belsambar looked confused. "Sight isn't instantaneous, brother," Beldin explained. "There's a lag between the time when something happens and the time when we see it. There are a lot of things we see in the night sky that aren't really there any more. Someday when we've both got some time, I'll explain it to you." "How could so remote an event have any meaning here, Master?" Belzedar asked, his tone baffled. Aldur sighed. "The universe came into being with a Purpose, Belzedar," he replied with a strange kind of wonder in his voice. "The accident divided that Purpose, and what was once one became two. Awareness came out of that division, and the two Purposes have contended with each other since that EVENT took place. In time, the two agreed that this world--which did not even exist as yet--would be their final battleground. That is why my brothers and I came into existence, and that is why we made this world. It is here that the division of the Purpose of the universe will be healed. A series of EVENTS, some great and some very small, have been leading up to the final EVENT, and that EVENT shall be a Choice." |