"Books - David Eddings - Polgara the Sorceress" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

'There'll be more, Pol,' Beltira said. 'Those are just the things you
need to know right now. Like it or not, your education's just begun.
You've got to learn to control this gift. Study very hard, Pol. Your
life probably depends on it.'
'Just smile and agree with them, Polgara,' mother's voice advised me.
'I'll take care of your education myself Smile and nod and keep the peace
when they try to instruct you, Pol. Don't upset them by doing anything
unusual while they're around.'
'Whatever you say, mother,' I agreed.
And that's how I really got my education. My uncles were
frequently startled by just how fast I picked things up. They no sooner
mentioned a particular feat than I did it - flawlessly. I'm sure they
all thought they had a budding but very dirty - genius on their
hands. The truth of the matter was that mother had already taught
me those rudimentary tricks. My mind and mother's mind had been
linked since before I was born, and so she was in a much better
position to gauge the extent of my understanding. This made her a

far better teacher than my uncles. It was about then that uncle Beldin
left on some mysterious errand, and so my education fell on the
twins' shoulders - at least they thought it did. In actuality, mother
taught me most of what I know.
I naturally told my sister about what had happened. beldaran
and I didn't really have any secrets from each other.
Her face became rather wistful. 'What was it like?' she asked me.
'I'll show you how,' I told her. 'Then you can find out for yourself.'
She sighed. 'No, Pol,' she replied. 'Mother told me not to.'
'Told? You mean she's finally talking to you?'
'Not when I'm awake,' Beldaran explained. 'Her voice comes to
me when I'm dreaming.'
'That's a terribly cumbersome way to do it.'
'I know, but there's a reason for it. She told me that you're
supposed to do things. I'm just supposed to be.'
'To be what?'
'She hasn't told me yet. She'll probably get around to it one of
these days.'
And that sent me away muttering to myself.
Mother told me about several of the things I might be capable of
doing, and I tried them all. Translocation was a lot of fun, actually,
and it taught me how to muffle the noise. I spent whole days
bouncing rocks here and there about the Vale.
There were many tricks mother explained to me that I wasn't able
to practice, since they required the presence of other people, and
aside from the twins and Beldaran, nobody else was around. Mother
rather sternly told me not to experiment with Beldaran.
What my uncles chose to call my 'education' took me away from
my Tree and my birds for extended periods of time, and I didn't
like that very much. I already knew about most of what they were