"David Eddings - Belgarath the Sorcerer (2)" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)






A Del Rey Book Published by Ballantine Books Copyright 1995 by David
Eddings Maps copyright 1995 by Christine Levis and Shelly Shapiro
Endpaper map copyright 1995 by Larry Schwinger All rights reserved
under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published
in the United States of America by Ballantine Books, a division of
Random House, Inc." New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random
House of Canada Limited, Toronto.

ISBN 0345373243

Borders and artwork 1995 by Holly Johnson Text design by Holly Johnson
Manufactured in the United States of America For Owen We have all been
at this since April of 1982. Your friendship, guidance, and faith in
us has been greatly cherished.

One more to go!

Leigh and David A note to the reader: We're sure that the reader has
noticed a slight modification of the authorial attribution on the cover
of this slender volume. The reader is now privy to one of the
worst-kept secrets in contemporary fiction. There are two names on the
cover because it took two of us to write this book, and this has been
going on from the very beginning. The recognition (finally) of the
hitherto unacknowledged coauthor of these assorted works is no more

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than simple justice--if justice can ever be called simple. It's time
to give credit where credit is due, so let's make it official, shall

Prologue It was well past midnight and very cold. The moon had risen,
and her pale light made the frost crystals lying in the snow sparkle
like carelessly strewn diamonds. In a peculiar way it seemed to Garion
almost as if the snow-covered earth were reflecting the starry sky

"I think they're gone now," Durnik said, peering upward. His breath