"The Godfather" - читать интересную книгу автора (Mario Puzo)

The Don shrugged. тАЬNow that the wedding is over, whenever you like.тАЭ

This answer told Hagen two things. Most important, that the answer to Virgil Sollozzo would be no. The second, that Don Corleone, since he would not give the answer before his daughterтАЩs wedding, expected his no to cause trouble.

Hagen said cautiously, тАЬShall I tell Clemenza to have some men come live in the house?тАЭ

The Don said impatiently, тАЬFor what? I didnтАЩt answer before the wedding because on an important day like that there should be no cloud, not even in the distance. Also I wanted to know beforehand what he wanted to talk about. We know now. What he will propose is an infamita.тАЭ

Hagen asked, тАЬThen you will refuse?тАЭ When the Don nodded, Hagen said, тАЬI think we should all discuss itтАФthe whole FamilyтАФbefore you give your answer.тАЭ

The Don smiled. тАЬYou think so? Good, we will discuss it. When you come back from California. I want you to fly there tomorrow and settle this business for Johnny. See that movie pezzonovante. Tell Sollozzo I will see him when you get back from California. Is there anything else?тАЭ

Hagen said formally, тАЬThe hospital called. Consigliere Abbandando is dying, he wonтАЩt last out the night. His family was told to come and wait.тАЭ

Hagen had filled the ConsigliereтАЩs post for the past year, ever since the cancer had imprisoned Genco Abbandando in his hospital bed. Now he waited to hear Don Corleone say the post was his permanently. The odds were against it. So high a position was traditionally given only to a man descended from two Italian parents. There had already been trouble about his temporary performance of the duties. Also, he was only thirty-five, not old enough, supposedly, to have acquired the necessary experience and cunning for a successful Consigliere.

But the Don gave him no encouragement. He asked, тАЬWhen does my daughter leave with her bridegroom?тАЭ

Hagen looked at his wristwatch. тАЬIn a few minutes theyтАЩll cut the cake and then a half hour after that.тАЭ That reminded him of something else. тАЬYour new son-in-law. Do we give him something important, inside the Family?тАЭ

He was surprised at the vehemence of the DonтАЩs answer. тАЬNever.тАЭ The Don hit the desk with the flat of his hand. тАЬNever. Give him something to earn his living, a good living. But never let him know the FamilyтАЩs business. Tell the others, Sonny, Fredo, Clemenza.тАЭ

The Don paused. тАЬInstruct my sons, all three of them, that they will accompany me to the hospital to see poor Genco. I want them to pay their last respects. Tell Freddie to drive the big car and ask Johnny if he will come with us, as a special favor to me.тАЭ He saw Hagen look at him questioningly. тАЬI want you to go to California tonight. You wonтАЩt have time to go see Genco. But donтАЩt leave until I come back from the hospital and speak with you. Understood?тАЭ

тАЬUnderstood,тАЭ Hagen said. тАЬWhat time should Fred have the car waiting?тАЭ

тАЬWhen the guests have left,тАЭ Don Corleone said. тАЬGenco will wait for me.тАЭ

тАЬThe Senator called,тАЭ Hagen said.тАЭ Apologizing for not coming personally but that you would understand. He probably means those two FBI men across the street taking down license numbers. But he sent his gift over by special messenger.тАЭ

The Don nodded. He did not think it necessary to mention that he himself had warned the Senator not to come. тАЬDid he send a nice present?тАЭ

Hagen made a face of impressed approval that was very strangely Italian on his German-Irish features.тАЭ Antique silver, very valuable. The kids can sell it for a grand at least. The Senator spent a lot of time getting exactly the right thing. For those kind of people thatтАЩs more important than how much it costs.тАЭ

Don Corleone did not hide his pleasure that so great a man as the Senator had shown him such respect. The Senator, like Luca Brasi, was one of the great stones in the DonтАЩs power structure, and he too, with this gift, had resworn his loyalty.

When Johnny Fontane appeared in the garden, Kay Adams recognized him immediately. She was truly surprised. тАЬYou never told me your family knew Johnny Fontane,тАЭ she said. тАЬNow IтАЩm sure IтАЩll marry you.тАЭ

тАЬDo you want to meet him?тАЭ Michael asked. тАЬNot now,тАЭ Kay said. She sighed. тАЬI was in love with him for three years. I used to come down to New York whenever he sang at the Capitol and scream my head off. He was so wonderful.тАЭ

тАЬWeтАЩll meet him later,тАЭ Michael said.

When Johnny finished singing and vanished into the house with Don Corleone, Kay said archly to Michael, тАЬDonтАЩt tell me a big movie star like Johnny Fontane has to ask your father for a favor?тАЭ

тАЬHeтАЩs my fatherтАЩs godson,тАЭ Michael said.тАЭ And if it wasnтАЩt for my father he might not be a big movie star today.тАЭ

Kay Adams laughed with delight. тАЬThat sounds like another great story.тАЭ