"Oh My Gods" - читать интересную книгу автора (Tera Lynn Childs)

ItтАЩs not that Mom doesnтАЩt come to my races, but she wasnтАЩt supposed to be at this race. SheтАЩs supposed to be in Greece, getting to know DadтАЩs extended family at a gigantic family reunion while IтАЩm at cross-country camp. Trust me, the choice between running eight hours a day and spending a week with creepy cousin Bemus was not a hard decision. Meeting him once was more than enough.

I wonder why sheтАЩs home two days early.

Then, suddenly, IтАЩm across the finish line and everyone surrounds me, cheering and congratulating me. Nola and Cesca push through the crowd and pull me into a group hug.

тАЬYou are such a superstar,тАЭ Cesca shouts.

Everyone is so loud I barely hear her.

тАЬIs there anything you canтАЩt do?тАЭ Nola asks. тАЬYou just beat the best in the country.тАЭ

тАЬYou are the best in the country!тАЭ Cesca adds.

I just smile. Could a girl ask for better best friends?

The next runner crosses the finish line, and some of the crowd goes to congratulate her. Now that IтАЩm not fully surrounded I see Coach Jack waiting to talk to me. Since heтАЩs my ticket to USC I pull out of our group hug.

тАЬHey, Coach,тАЭ I say, my breathing starting to return to normal.


тАЬCongratulations, Phoebe,тАЭ he says in his gruff tone. тАЬIтАЩve never seen anyone win so decisively. Or so easily.тАЭ

He shakes his head, like he canтАЩt quite figure out how I did it.


My cheeks blush. Sure, IтАЩve been told my whole life that I have a special talent for runningтАФfrom my dad, my mom, my friendsтАФbut it feels a lot more real coming from the head coach of the USC

cross-country team. ThereтАЩs a rumor that heтАЩs going to coach the next Olympic team.

тАЬIтАЩm putting you at the top of the list for next year,тАЭ he says.

тАЬIf you keep up with your classes and continue to perform well in races, the scholarship is yours.тАЭ

тАЬWow, IтАФтАЭ I shake my head, beyond excited to be within reach of everything IтАЩve ever wanted. тАЬThanks, Coach. I wonтАЩt let you down.тАЭ

Then heтАЩs gone, off to talk to the other racers who are now piling across the finish line. Turning, I look for Mom. SheтАЩs right behind me, still smiling, and I dive into her arms.

тАЬMom,тАЭ I cry as she pulls me into a hug. тАЬI thought you werenтАЩt coming back until Tuesday.тАЭ

She squeezes me tight. тАЬWe decided to come back early.тАЭ

тАЬWe?тАЭ I ask, leaning back to look at her.

Mom blushesтАФactually blushes, with pink cheeks and everythingтАФand releases me. She reaches out her hand to the side, like sheтАЩs grabbing for something.