"Eddings, David - Regina's Song V2.0" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

and we'd returned to Fallon's office. "I thought you told
us that she has total amnesia."
"Evidently, it's not quite as total as we thought," Fallon
replied, grinning broadly. "I think this might be a major
"Why does she recognize Mark and not us?" Inga
sounded offended.
"I haven't got the faintest idea," Fallon confessed, "but
the fact that she recognizes somebody is very
significant. It means that her past isn't a total blank."
"Then she'll get her memory back?" Inga asked.
"Some of it, at least. It's too early to tell how much."
Fallon looked at me then. "Would it be possible for you
to stay here for the next few days, Mark?" he asked.
"For some reason, you seem to be the key to Renata's
memory, so I'd like to have you available."
"No problem, Doc," I replied. "If the boss can drop me
off at my place, I'll grab a few things and come right
back up the hill."
"Good. I'll want you right there when Renata wakes up.
We've made a connection, and we don't want to lose it."
Les and Inga took me back to my place when we left
the sanitarium. I tossed some clothes and stuff into a
suitcase, grabbed some books, and drove my old
Dodge back to Lake Stevens. I was as baffled as
everybody else had been by Renata's recognition of me,
and it'd caught me completely off guard. There'd been a
kind of desperation about the way she'd clung to me-
almost like somebody hanging on to a life raft.
"We don't necessarily have to mention this to her
parents, Mark," Fallon told me when I reported in, "but I
think you'd better be right there in the room when
Renata wakes up. Let's not take any chances and lose
this. All the rooms here have surveillance cameras, so
I'll be watching and listening. Don't push her or say
anything about why she's here. Just be there."
"I think I see where you're going, Doc," I told him.
The shot Dr. Fallon had given her kept Twink totally
out of it until the next morning, and that gave me time to
think my way through the situation. I was still working
through my grief at losing my parents, but it was time to
put my problems aside and concentrate, here and now,
on Twink. If she needed me, I sure as hell wasn't going
to let her down.
I pushed the reclining chair over beside her bed, pulled
the blanket up around my ears, and tapped out.
When I woke the next morning, Renata was still sound
asleep, but she was holding my hand. Either she'd
come about halfway out of her drug-induced slumber
and found something to hold on to, or she'd just groped