"Eddings, David - Regina's Song V2.0" - читать интересную книгу автора (Eddings David)

Dr. Fallon decided that she was doing well enough that
it'd probably be all right if she took a short furlough for
It was a subdued sort of holiday-1995 hadn't been a
very good year for any of us. Twink's aunt Mary, her
dad's sister, was about the only bright spot during the
whole long holiday weekend, which might seem a bit
strange, in view of the fact that Mary was a Seattle
police officer. But she'd always been fond of the twins,
and now she refused to treat Twink as if she were
damaged merchandise-the way Les and Inga did. She
smoothly stepped over the blank spots in Twink's
memory and more or less ignored her niece's status as
a mental patient on furlough. That seemed to help
Twink, and the two of them grew very close during that
long weekend. That in turn helped me raise a subject
that had worried me more than a little.
It was on Christmas Day that I braced myself and
finally broke the news to Twink that our schedule was
about to change. "I'll still be living at home, Twink," I
reassured her, "but I'll be going to classes at the
university instead of working at the door factory. I'll have
to study quite a bit, though, so my visits might be a little
"I'll be fine, Markie," she said. Then she gave me one
of those wide-eyed, vapid looks. "Have you heard the
news? Some terribly clever fellow named Bell came up
with the niftiest idea you ever heard of. He calls it the
telephone. Isn't that neat? You can visit me without
even driving up the hill to the bughouse."
Mary suddenly exploded with laughter.
"All right, Twink" I felt a little foolish. "Would it bother
you if I gave you a phone call instead of coming up
"As long as I know that you care, I'll be fine. I'm a
tough little cookie-or hadn't you noticed?"
"Maybe you two should clear that with Dr. Fallon," Inga
suggested, sounding worried.
"I'll be fine, Inga," Renata assured her. For some
reason, Twink had trouble with "Mom" and "Dad," so
she called her parents by their names instead. I decided
to have a talk with Fallon about that.
After the holidays, I returned to the university and
started taking seminars, beginning with Graduate
English Studies. That's when I discovered just how far
down into the bowels of the earth the main library
building ex-tended. I think there was more of it
underground than above the surface. Graduate English
Studies concentrated on "how to find stuff in the Lye-
berry." That deliberate mispronunciation used to make