"bloodwhite" - читать интересную книгу автора (bella ashraf)

family that founded that town in

translvanya the prince Duncan was pacing

in front of his wifes chamber waiting their

first child to be born & suddenly he

smiled hearing the babys cry the doctor

came out beaming

(its a girl a very fair & beautiful that she

is going to be a heart breaker in her early

youth!) said the doctor

(well I would rather not as the hearts she

would posses are not going to last for long

anyway she wouldnt be a heart breaker)

his eyes got darker (she would be a blood

sucker!) with a lightning speed he lunged

on the frozen doctor sinking his extending

fangs in the doctors neck & drained him

dry the he came into the chamber & smiled

at his lovely wife who was holding their

new born baby

(I heard you draining him dry wouldnt you

leave a little to your baby & wife?) she

teased &he sat next to her on the bed (I

saved you both some) he said moving his

head to expose his throat & his wifes

lovely lips drew back showing her