"Lee Edgar - The Andromeda Trial" - читать интересную книгу автора (Edgar Lee) ╬д╬╖╬╡
╬С╬╜╬┤╧Б╬┐┬╡╬╡╬┤╬▒ ╬д╧Б╬╣╬▒╬╗ ╬▓╧И ╬Ы╬╡╬╡ ╬Х╬┤╬│╬▒╧Б DEDICATED TO INNOCENTS EVERYWHERE ┬й LEE EDGAR 1997 Originally Published and Printed by REGENTLANE Ltd Devonshire Road Industrial Estate Millom, Cumbria LA18 4JS All Rights Reserved by Bankside Publishing EARLIER BOOKS IN THIS SERIES The Andromeda Burn The Andromeda Seed Return to Andromeda Andromeda Time ╬д╬Ч╬е╬б╬гтИЖ╬С╬и Navigation Officer Cassiopeia Hardy gripped the padded arm of her seat so tightly that her knuckles were white as Orion Space Station loomed large in the forward viewer of their shuttle craft. тАШYouтАЩre approaching too fast,тАЩ she cautioned the pilot. тАШTake evasive action.тАЩ тАШI c..c..canтАЩt,тАЩ stammered the young man on her left, frantically stabbing at buttons to fire the lateral retros. тАШItтАЩs too late.тАЩ He was right. Untrained instincts were too slow. The shuttle started to turn, but the stubby port wing caught the edge of OrionтАЩs docking bay, sending up a shower of sparks. Turning as if in slow motion, the craft went into a lateral spin and the nose cone rammed through the thin skin and pierced the space stationтАЩs reactor bay. The jarring crash shook them all just seconds before the reactor went critical and exploded in a ten-kilometre ball of irradiated fire. CassiтАЩs head was in her hands. тАШIтАЩm sorry,тАЩ said the pilot, getting shakily to his feet. She looked up sharply but spoke without malice. тАШSorry? Paul, you have just destroyed seven billion pounds worth of space station, four shuttles which were docked, an interstellar cruiser worth untold millions, and in the process killed the hundred or so workers and scientists on Orion, not to mention your own crew. You have got to start getting it right.тАЩ She stood up and faced the group of twenty young men and women behind her. тАШIf this wasnтАЩt a simulation, you would now all be dead. How do you feel about that?тАЩ None of them said a word. They had all failed. Paul Andrews had been the last to try |