"Ellroy, James - My Dark Places" - читать интересную книгу автора (Ellroy James)

A Myrtle Mawby.

Q With reference to the redheaded girl, can you describe her
as to approximate age, height and weight?
A I would say she was forty years old. I would judge her to
be 5'5", her weight I'd say is hard for me to judge. I don't
believe I stated her exact weight, possibly between 125 to
130 pounds.

Q Did you notice any jewelry on this girl?
A I did not.

Q Did you notice anything else that might be distinguishing?
A The reason I noticed the girl in particular was when she
pulled her coat off to dance with a fellow that walked up
to the table.

Q Can you describe the other girl sitting at the table?
A She was a dishwater blonde, had a short three-quarter length,
beige or tan coat on across her shoulders. She had on flat
heel shoes and until I saw her dance, that's as much of a
description. Dancing, about her weight, I judged her to be
heavier than the redhead by five or ten pounds. She was hippy
or broad across the hips.

Q Her age?
A About the same as the other lady, about forty years old.

O Height?
A About the same as the redhead. She had on flat heels. The
redhead had high heels.


Q Did you notice the shoes of the redhead?
A No, I did not.

Q Did the redhead appear to be intoxicated?
A Neither one of them appeared that way.


Q After the two girls you have just described sat at the
table, what happened next?
A I called Mrs. Mawby's attention that she had two customers