"Michael Ende - Momo" - читать интересную книгу автора (Ende Michael)

by Michael Ende
Translated by J. Maxwell Brownjohn
a.b.e-book v3.0 / Notes at EOF

Back Cover:


This is the enthralling tale of Momo, an orphan girl who has made her home in a ruined
amphitheater on the outskirts of a bustling, nameless city. Momo has a unique gift -- in her presence
troubles become less burdensome, conflicts are resolved, and imaginations take flight.
But Momo's world is threatened when mysterious little gray men appear, promising wealth and
success to people who hurry through life now, saving time and depositing it in a Timesaving Bank.
Realizing that all that is precious -- life itself -- is at risk, Momo sets out on a perilous mission to defeat
the men in gray.
This is truly a story for our times, an imaginitive fantasy and a tale of suspense with far-reaching
implications about the quality of life today.

"A sophisticated fairy tale." -- The New York Times Book Review

"Here is a story so ingenious in its conception, so powerful in production that its message can safely slip
unnoticed into the mind to linger after the splendid images begin to fade." -- The Times Literary

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First published in West Germany under the title M omo b y
K. Thienemanges Verlag. Stuttgart 1973
First English translation published in Great Britain under the title
The Gray Gentlemen by Burke Books Publishing Company Limited 1974
This English translation first published in the United States of America
under the title Momo by Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1985
Published in Penguin Books by arrangement with
Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1986

Copyright ┬й Doubleday & Company, Inc., and Penguin Books Ltd., 1984
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