- Chapter 22
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About the Author
Linda Evans was born on Christmas night, carrying the family tradition of first-born daughters into its third generation. Ms. Evans achieved national attention as 1991–1992 president of the North-Central Florida Sportsman's Association, the NRA's Outstanding Club in America for 1992. Ms. Evans has volunteered many hours as a firearms safety instructor, and delivered speeches at the 1991 Gun Rights Policy Conference and across the country on the subject of firearms safety and civil rights.
Ms. Evans is also a volunteer at the Florida Museum of Natural History, and an amateur jeweler. She shares living quarters with, among other sentient beings, an inherited cat named for Jack the Ripper.
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- Chapter 22
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About the Author
Linda Evans was born on Christmas night, carrying the family tradition of first-born daughters into its third generation. Ms. Evans achieved national attention as 1991–1992 president of the North-Central Florida Sportsman's Association, the NRA's Outstanding Club in America for 1992. Ms. Evans has volunteered many hours as a firearms safety instructor, and delivered speeches at the 1991 Gun Rights Policy Conference and across the country on the subject of firearms safety and civil rights.
Ms. Evans is also a volunteer at the Florida Museum of Natural History, and an amateur jeweler. She shares living quarters with, among other sentient beings, an inherited cat named for Jack the Ripper.
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