"Evans,.Linda.-.Sleipnir" - читать интересную книгу автора (Evans Linda)

Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
About the Author

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Chapter One

Pushing a cave isn't a job for amateurs.

But then, neither is hunting gods. Especially in their own stomping
grounds. Predictably, I was doing a lousy job of both.

Considering my past historyЧI never took advice I didn't likeЧit
wasn't too surprising my spelunking guide was so mad at me he
wasn't speaking. Now, nobody has ever accused me of
possessing tact, but in Klaus' case, it had taken a lot of effort to get
him to the stage of silent jaw-grinding. Klaus had several thousand
reasonsЧall of them deliciously greenЧto put up with my
demands, but even poor old Klaus had finally reached his limit.

Every morning for the past three days he had insisted we turn back
for the surface. I insisted we keep going. Klaus was stubborn; but
I've been called less flattering names than a bullheaded, mule-
eared horse's backside. I got my way.

When I woke up that morning, I knew Klaus would try again. I
braced myself for the inevitable, and wasn't disappointed. Even
before I'd crawled out of my sleeping bag, he looked me straight in
the eyeЧwhich left me half-blind, since he was pointing the
carbide light on his helmet right at my faceЧand muttered, "We go
back. Now."

The moment was fast approaching I'd either have to tell him what I
was really doing down here, or hit him over the head and go on
alone. So, trying to delay the inevitable a little longer, I snapped,
"Tonight! We got one more day to go before I turn around. Read
your contract if you're not happy about it. And get that light out of