"Jennifer Fallon - Second Sons 03 - Lord of the Shadows" - читать интересную книгу автора (Fallon Jennifer)

тАЬDonтАЩt you preach to me about right and wrong! YouтАЩre far worse than I am, Dirk Provin. YouтАЩre
highborn. You were brought up learning all that stuff about honor and nobility and look what youтАЩre
тАЬWhat IтАЩm doing is not killing people just because they stand in my way.тАЭ
тАЬArenтАЩt you? Your body count is far greater than mine.тАЭ
тАЬWhat are you talking about?тАЭ
тАЬYou killed Johan Thorn, didnтАЩt you? I heard you even killed your own mother. And what about
those men who died when you told Antonov the best way to interrogate Johan Thorn? DonтАЩt look down
your righteous nose at me, Dirk Provin. IтАЩm not the one they call the Butcher.тАЭ
For once, Dirk didnтАЩt seem to have an answer.
Marqel smiled, finally beginning to feel as if she had gained the upper hand again. тАЬBelagren is dead,
Dirk. Your job is to deal with it. Make Antonov believe IтАЩm telling the truth. Make the Lord of the Suns
appoint me High Priestess. IтАЩve proved IтАЩm the Voice of the Goddess. Once we sail into Mil and rescue
Misha, even you wonтАЩt be able to touch me. So just do your job, Lord of the Shadows, and IтАЩll do
Dirk was silent for a moment longer, and then he shrugged. тАЬGo back to the palace for now. IтАЩll set
a guard on your room and order them to keep everyone out, including Madalan. That should keep her
off your back for a while and give me time to think up a reasonable explanation for her.тАЭ
тАЬThere! ThatтАЩs better, isnтАЩt it?тАЭ she declared as she headed for the templeтАЩs entrance, glad to be
finally allowed out of there. тАЬThings are so much easier when we work together, arenтАЩt they?тАЭ
тАЬThings are better when you do what youтАЩre told, Marqel.тАЭ
She didnтАЩt bother to answer him, fed up with his disapproval. If he wanted someone to grovel to
him, why didnтАЩt he pick somebody else to do his dirty work? Like that spineless little cousin of his he
was so fond of? Alenor would probably lick his boots clean if he asked her to.
She turned to look at him.
тАЬDonтАЩt get too cocky. You know enough to tell Antonov how to get through the delta, but you have
no idea when the eclipse is due. You might find that a little hard to explain away if IтАЩm not there to help
тАЬYouтАЩll keep helping me, Dirk,тАЭ she told him confidently. тАЬAfter this, you have no choice.тАЭ

Chapter 4

For several days, Misha Latanya remained confined to a small hut near the black sandy beach
lapped by the waters of the hidden cove in the legendary pirate stronghold of Mil. He saw nobody other
than Petra, the herb woman, and Master Helgin, the old physician and Dirk ProvinтАЩs boyhood tutor
from Elcast.
Misha spent a good part of his days talking to Helgin while he waited for his fate to be decided. The
physicianтАЩs journey to Mil had been almost as strange as his own. HelginтАЩs rise and fall was a story in
itself. He had gone from a young man full of ideals and hopes, the personal physician of the Dhevynian
king, to an exile and an outcast, first on Elcast and now here in Mil. Listening to Helgin, Misha realized
how little he knew about the lives of the ordinary people on Ranadon; how little he knew of the truth
about the War of Shadows. It was disturbing to think someone in his position was raised in such
The old man did put his mind at rest on one point. Helgin was of the opinion the Baenlanders were
essentially decent people and were unlikely to execute him out of hand. Other than that, he could offer
no comfort regarding the princeтАЩs eventual fate. Misha had not seen Tia since they landed.
The pirate settlement was crude, but in some ways, it was disturbingly ordinary. There were children