"Jennifer Fallon - Second Sons 03 - Lord of the Shadows" - читать интересную книгу автора (Fallon Jennifer)

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For David, and as always, Adele Robinson

We have some interesting discussions in my house, usually late at night and frequently
incomprehensible to the casual observer. We talk, argue and agonize over worlds that donтАЩt exist and
the people who populate them as if they are real. It is not possible to quantify the value of these
discussions when it comes to populating the world of Ranadon.
I wish to thank my son David for the idea of diamond blades and for reminding me that sometimes
you have to take a risk to change the world you live in. I cannot thank my daughters enough: Amanda,
for being my sounding board and for providing so many bright ideas that it would be impossible to list
them all; and TJ, for her constant reading of draft after draft of this series and for reminding me that
some stories are too big to tell in a single volume.
I must also thank Peter Jackson for his help in defining the world of Ranadon, and Doug Standish for
working out the physics of RanadonтАЩs solar system. If there are mistakes or inconsistencies, they are
totally mine, because I kept rearranging the universe to suit my imagination instead of the other way
Special thanks must go to the gang from Kabana Kids Klub, especially Ella Sullivan for keeping me
on the straight and narrow regarding the geology of Ranadon, and Erika Rockstorm, for her assistance
in ironing out some details of this world. I must also thank Ryan Kelly for his advice, his mathematical
prowess, and for helping Dirk appear so clever, and Stephanie Sullivan, Analee (Woodie) Wood, Fi
Simpson and Alison Dijs for being such economically viable (it sounded better than cheap)
Once again, I have Dave English to thank for helping me look like I know something about ships and
sailing, and my good friends John and Toni-Maree Elferink for knowing way too much about the human
body and what happens when you do terrible things to it.
I would also like to acknowledge Fiona McLennan and the Phantophiles from the Voyager Online
community for their enthusiasm and support, for keeping my spirits up and for providing quite a few of
the names that crop up throughout the series.
Last but not least, I wish to thank Lyn Tranter for her help and support, and the staff at ALM for
being so wonderfully patient with my eccentricities and Stephanie Smith for giving me so much leeway
with the story, when all she wanted was for me to тАЬtidy up the last chapter a bit...тАЭ