"04.Prince of the Blood" - читать интересную книгу автора (Feist Raymond E)


Eriand winced a bit as he said, "Baron Locklear, what
a pleasure."

Baron Locklear, Knight-Marshal of Krondor, smiled
an unamused smile. "I'm certain." Despite his rank, he
looked barely a year or two older than the boys, though
he was nearly sixteen years their senior. He had curly
blond hair and large blue eyes, which were presently
narrowed as he watched the twins in obvious disap-

Borric said, "And I expect that means that Baron

Locklear pointed. "Is standing behind you."

Both brothers turned to see the man in the great
cloak framed in the doorway. He threw back his hood to
reveal a face still somewhat youthful despite his thirty-
seven years of age, his curly brown hair slightly dusted
with grey. It was a face the brothers knew as well as any,
for he had been one of their teachers since boyhood,
and more, one of their closest friends. He regarded the
two brothers with ill-disguised disapproval and said,
"Your father ordered you directly home. I had reports
of your whereabouts from the time you left Highcastle
until you passed through the city gates . . . two days

The twins tried to hide their pleasure at being able to
lose their royal escorts, but they failed. "Ignore for a
moment the fact your father and mother had a formal
court convened to welcome you home. Forget they
stood waiting for three hours! Never mind your father's
insisting that Baron Locklear and I comb the entire city
for two days seeking you out." He studied the two
young men, "But I trust you'll remember all those little
details when your father has words with you after court

Two horses were brought forward and a soldier defer-
entially held out the reins to each brother. Seeing the

Prince of the Blood

blood along Eriand's side, a Lieutenant of the Guard
moved his horse nearby and said in mock sympathy,
"Does His Highness require help?"