"Brad Ferguson - Rhuum Service" - читать интересную книгу автора (Ferguson Brad)

тАЬHello, Lieutenant, everyone,тАЭ Jacobs said. тАЬWhat happened here?тАЭ
тАЬI do not know quite yet,тАЭ Hrock-Leff said. тАЬThe ambassador is dead. Do
you care to see?тАЭ
тАЬEh? Uh, I guess I have to,тАЭ Jacobs said. тАЬTrudy?тАЭ
She seemed shaken. тАЬIтАЩll, uh, IтАЩll wait here, I suppose. Call me if you need
тАЬOkay, Trude. Lieutenant? Lead on.тАЭ
тАЬThis way, please, Mr. Jacobs.тАЭ The two entered the main bedroom of
the suite.
ChaylaifaтАЩs body lay in the center of the bed. The blankets and sheets
had been ripped by his claws and gathered around him, as if he had tried
to provide himself with his own shroud even as he died. His eyes were
open and glazed. There was an incredible amount of blood all over
everything. Ritzcrackas and other tidbits were spilled here and there.
тАЬIt looks like he was stabbed,тАЭ Jacobs said.
тАЬHe was,тАЭ Hrock-Leff replied. тАЬHe was stabbed some forty times by
someone with a small knife. From what I can see, at least eight of the
wounds were severe enough to be fatal, in that ChaylaifaтАЩs circulation
system was irreparably damaged by each. He lost a great deal of blood
very quickly. We have an identification, by the way.тАЭ
тАЬAn identification?тАЭ Jacobs asked, puzzled. тАЬOf the body?тАЭ
тАЬNo,тАЭ the lieutenant replied. тАЬOf the perpetrator. The chosha Nasu has
named Sir Kethrommon of Bloxx.тАЭ
тАЬJesus. Why am I not surprised?тАЭ
тАЬI do not know. Let us go into the other bedroom, shall we?тАЭ
There was a connecting door to another bedroom in the suite. Inside,
two Security officers were sitting with Nasu and Fehlorah.
The two females were dressed in bathrobes supplied by the hotel;
NasuтАЩs barely fit her, while tiny Fehlorah seemed lost in hers. They were
holding hands, and both seemed terribly upset.
тАЬIтАЩm sorry, Madame Chaylaifa,тАЭ Jacobs began, searching for something
appropriate to say. тАЬYour husbandтАЩs death is a great loss to us all.тАЭ
The Rhuum nodded her appreciation. тАЬIt is just Nasu now,тАЭ she said,
тАЬbut I thank you, Mr. Jacobs. Fehlorah also appreciates your sympathy.тАЭ
тАЬCertainly. Is there anything I can do?тАЭ
тАЬYes, there is. You can make sure that these police people here bring the
murderer of Chaylaifa to justice.тАЭ She glared at Hrock-Leff. тАЬI am not sure
of their intent. They seem reluctant to take that devil-spawn of Bloxx into
Jacobs nodded. тАЬIтАЩll do my best, Nasu. Fehlorah, will you be all right?тАЭ
тАЬYes, Mr. Jacobs,тАЭ the girl said. тАЬI will be all right.тАЭ
тАЬVery good. Lieutenant, may we talk?тАЭ
тАЬOf course, Mr. Jacobs.тАЭ They left the bedroom through another door
and went into the sitting room common to all three bedrooms in the
тАЬHave a seat, Mr. Jacobs,тАЭ Hrock-Leff invited, closing the door behind
him. He himself squatted on a footstool, perfectly comfortable. тАЬWould
you like me to order something for you, now that we are alone? Coffee,
тАЬNo, nothing for me, thank you. Lieutenant? Have you arrested