"f_scott_fitzgerald_-_camels_back" - читать интересную книгу автора (Fitzgerald F Scott)"Honestly, you look great!" repeated Perry enthusiastically. "Move round a little." The hind legs moved forward, giving the effect of a huge cat-camel hunching his back preparatory to a spring. "No; move sideways." The camel's hips went neatly out of joint; a hula dancer would have writhed in envy. "Good, isn't it?" demanded Perry, turning to Mrs. Nolak for approval. "It looks lovely," agreed Mrs. Nolak. "We'll take it," said Perry. The bundle was stowed under Perry's arm and they left the shop. "Go to the party!" he commanded as he took his seat in the back. "What party?" "Fanzy-dress party." "Where'bouts is it?" "Drive uptown," directed Perry with fine confidence. "If you see a party, stop. Otherwise I'll tell you when we get there." He fell into a hazy daydream and his thoughts wandered again to Betty--he imagined vaguely that they had had a disagreement because she refused to go to the party as the back part of the camel. He was just slipping off into a chilly doze when he was wakened by the taxi-driver opening the door and shaking him by the arm. "Here we are, maybe." Perry looked out sleepily. A striped awning led from the curb up to a spreading gray stone house, from which issued the low drummy whine of expensive jazz. He recognized the Howard Tate house. "Sure," he said emphatically; "'at's it! Tate's party to-night. Sure, everybody's goin'." "Say," said the individual anxiously after another look at the awning, "you sure these people ain't gonna romp on me for comin' here?" Perry drew himself up with dignity. "'F anybody says anything to you, just tell 'em you're part of my costume." The visualization of himself as a thing rather than a person seemed to reassure the individual. "All right," he said reluctantly. Perry stepped out under the shelter of the awning and began unrolling the camel. "Let's go," he commanded. |