"Flint, Kenneth C - Gods of Eire 03 - Master of the Sidhe UC" - читать интересную книгу автора (Flint Kenneth C)"Shaglan, to the gate!" Lugh shouted. "We'll follow!"
The bear dropped to all fours and headed off in the direction indicated. The Fomor creatures decided not to hinder it. In fact, they scrambled onto one another in their frantic efforts to be out of his way. He loped along the opened passage, his companions close behind and swinging their weapons around to keep the massed beings back. The few Fomor warriors outside the gate retreated as the bear slammed against it and shoved its paws out between the bars to rake at them with long claws. "It's your turn now," Lugh told the Dagda. "Get us out!" 16 MASTER OF THE SIDHE The giant warrior seized the thick iron rods, set his legs, and heaved. The muscles of his back and neck grew tense, tendons standing out in sharp relief. His neck muscles strained like taut cables. His face was set, eyes closed, as the Dagda concentrated all his powers in a single effort. The bars resisted stubbornly for a long moment, then gave way, squealing as the metal buckled, bending outward, opening a wide gap in the gate. Across the square Bres howled in fury and swung on his officers. "They're breaking out! Get around there! Stop them! They can't leave this city alive!" The Fomor rushed to obey. But it was already too late to stop Lugh's party. Lugh had leaped immediately through the gate's hole, driving upon the Fomor beyond in a furious attack while his friends climbed through to join him. Together they slashed the Fomor line apart and charged into the open avenue beyond. The remaining Fomor moved to follow, but suddenly found themselves deluged by a new problem. The creatures in the square had seen their own chance for freedom. They were pouring through the broken gate, falling upon the hapless warriors who tried to stem their flow. Thus rid of their pursuit, the fugitives dashed up the avenue, The few citizens they passed scattered in terror. For now Lugh and his friends were free, but safety was still very far away. They rounded a corner into a wider, more crowded thoroughfare. Not far ahead of them a four-wheeled cart harnessed to a pair of powerful draft horses stood at the roadside. Two burly Fomor workmen were unloading great wicker baskets of fish from it. "Just the thing!" Gilla happily declared. "Come on!" He led the way toward the cart, pushing through the swarm of startled Fomor, and leaped onto its back. A boar-faced workman was just bending over a basket, and one kick from Cilia's huge foot sent him flying out headfirst. The second workman, a turtle-headed Fomor, looked around as a basket loaded with still-lively crabs was smashed into his face, sweeping him from the cart. "Get aboard!" Gilla called to his comrades, moving to grab the reins. "We're going!" None of the Fomor who gaped with amazement at this RUNNING THE MAZE 17 scene moved to interfere as the others climbed aboard. |