"Alan Dean Foster - For Love Of Mother-Not" - читать интересную книгу автора (Foster Alan Dean)

УI-IТm okay, I think,Ф Flinx managed to gasp. He saw what had made the man flinch. Pip had been all but asleep on his masterТs shoulder only a moment before. Now the snake was wide awake, head and neck protruding like a scaly periscope as it seemed to search the night air for something unseen.
Then the last vestiges of that desperate, wailing cry vanished, leaving FlinxТs head xxxaching and infuriatingly empty.Yet it had lingered long enough for him to sort it out, to identify it.
УListen, son, if you need help, I can-У the stranger started to say, but Flinx did not wait to listen to the kind offer. He was already halfway down the street, running at full speed over the pavement. His slickertic fanned out like a cape behind him, and his boots sent water flying over shop fronts and pedestrians alike. He did not pause to apologize, the curses sliding off him as unnoticed as the rain.
Then he was skidding into a familiar side street. His heart pounded, and his lungs heaved. The street appeared untouched, unaltered, yet something here had been violated, and the moment of it had touched FlinxТs mind.Most of the shops were already shuttered against the night.There was no sign of human beings in that damp stone canyon.
УMother!Ф he shouted. УMother Mastiff!Ф He pounded on the lock plate with his palm. The door hummed but did not open-it was locked from inside.
УMother Mastiff, open up. ItТs me, Flinx!Ф No reply from the other side.
Pip danced on his shoulder, half airborne and half coiled tight to its master. Flinx moved a dozen steps away from the door, then charged it, throwing himself into the air sideways and kicking with one leg as Makepeace had once shown him. The door gave, flying inward. It had only been bolted, not locksealed.
He crouched there, his eyes darting quickly around the stall. Pip settled back onto his shoulder, but its head moved agitatedly from side to side, as if it shared its masterТs nervousness and concern.
The stall looked undisturbed. Flinx moved forward and tried the inner door. It opened at a touch. The interior of the living area was a shambles. Pots and pans and food had been overturned in the kitchen. Clothing and other personal articles lay strewn across floor and furniture. He moved from the kitchen-dining area to his own room, last-ly to Mother MastiffТs, knowing but dreading what he would find.
The destruction was worse in her room. The bed looked as if it had been the scene of attempted murder or an uncontrolled orgy. Across the bed, hidden from casual view, a small curved door blended neatly into the wall paneling. Few visitors would be sharp-eyed enough to notice it. It was just wide enough for a man to crawl through.
It stood ajar. A cold breeze drifted in from outside.
Flinx dropped to his knees and started through, not car ing what he might encounter on the other side. He emerged from the slip-me-out into the alley and climbed to his feet. The rain had turned to mist. There was no hint that anything unusual had occurred here. All the chaos was behind him, inside.
Turning, he ran two or three steps to the north, then stopped himself. He stood there, panting. He had run long and hard from the street where the scream had struck him, but he was too late. There was no sign that anyone had even been in the alley.
Slowly, dejectedly, he returned to the shop. Why? he cried to himself. Why has this happened to me? Who would want to kidnap a harmless old woman like Mother Mastiff? The longer he thought about it, the less sense it made.
He forced himself to take an inventory out front. There was no sign of anything missing. The shopТs stock seemed to be intact. Not thieves, then, surprised in the act of burglary. Then what? If not for the ample evidence that there had been a struggle, he would not even have suspected that anything was amiss.
No, he reminded himself, not quite true. The lockseal on the front door was dead. It would have taken half the thieves in Drallar to drag Mother Mastiff from her shop while it stood unsealed. He thought of thieves a second time, knowing he would not be staying here long. His mind full of dark and conflicting thoughts, he set about repairing the lock.

Chapter Six

"Pssst! Boy! Flinx-boy!Ф
Flinx moved the door aside slightly and gazed out into the darkness. The man speaking from the shadows operated a little shop two stalls up the side street from Mother MastiffТs, where he made household items from the hard-woods that Moth grew in abundance. Flinx knew him well, and stepped out to confront him.
УHello, Arrapkha.Ф He tried to search the manТs face, but it was mostly hidden by the overhanging rim of his slickertic. He could feel nothing from the other manТs mind. A fine and wondrous Talent, he thought sarcastically to himself.
УWhat happened here? Did you see anything?Ф
УI shouldnТt be out like this.Ф Arrapkha turned to glance worriedly up the street to where it intersected the busy main avenue. УYou know what people say in Drallar, Flinx-boy. The best business is minding oneТs own.Ф
УNo homilies now, friend,Ф Flinx said impatiently. УYouТve been neighbor to my mother for many years, and youТve watched me grow up. Where is she?Ф
УI donТt know.Ф Arrapkha paused to gather his thoughts.Flinx held back his anxiety and tried to be patient with the man-Arrapkha was a little slow upstairs but a good soul.
УI was working at my lathe, feeling good with myself. IТd only just sold a pair of stools to a programmer from the Welter Inurb and was counting my good fortune when I thought I heard noises from your house.Ф He smiled faintly. УAt first, I thought nothing of it. You know your mother. She can fly into a rage at anytime over nothing in particular and make enough noise to bring complaints from the avenue stores.
УAnyhow, I finished turning a broya post-it will be a fine one, Flinx-boy, fashioned of number-six harpberry wood-У
УYes, IТm sure,Ф Flinx said impatiently. УIТm sure it will be a fine display stand, as all your work is, but what about Mother Mastiff?Ф
УIТm getting to that, Flinx-boy,Ф Arrapkha said petulantly. УAs I said, I finished the post, and since the noise continued, I grew curious. It seamed to be going on a long time even for your mother. So I put down my work for a moment and thought to come see what was going on. I mediate for your mother sometimes.
УWhen I was about halfway from my shop to yours, the noise stopped almost entirely. I was about to return home when I saw something. At least, I think I did.Ф He gestured toward the narrow gap that separated Mother MastiffТs shop from the vacant shop adjoining hers.
УThrough there I thought I saw figures moving quickly up the alley behind your home. I couldnТt be certain. The opening is small, it was raining at the time, and itТs dark back there. But IТm pretty sure I saw several figures.Ф
УHow many?Ф Flinx demanded. УTwo, three?Ф
УFor sure, I couldnТt say,Ф Arrapkha confessed sadly. УI couldnТt even for certain tell if they were human or not.More than two, surely. Yet not a great number, though I could have missed seeing them all.
УWell, I came up to the door quickly then and buzzed. There was no answer, and it was quiet inside, and the door was locked, so I thought little more of it. There was no reason to connect shapes in the alleyway with your motherТs arguing. Remember, I only heard noise from the shop.
УAs it grew dark I started to worry, and still the shop stayed closed. ItТs not like Mother Mastiff to stay closed up all day. Still, her digestion is not what it used to be, and sometimes her liver gives her trouble. Too much bile.She could have been cursing her own insides.Ф
УI know,Ф Flinx said. УIТve had to listen to her complaints lots of times.Ф
УSo I thought best not to interfere. But I have known both of you for a long time, Flinx-boy, just as you say, so I thought, when I saw you moving about, that I ought to come and tell you what IТd seen. ItТs clear to me now that I should have probed deeper.Ф He struck his own head.УIТm sorry. You know that Frn not the cleverest man in the marketplace.Ф
УItТs all right, Arrapkha. ThereТs no blame for you in this matter.Ф Flinx stood there in the mist for a long moment, silent and thinking hard.
Arrapkha hesitantly broke in on his contemplation. УSo sorry I am, Flinx-boy. If thereТs anything I can do to help, if you need a place to sleep tonight, ay, even with the devil thing on your shoulder, you are welcome to share my home.Ф
УIТve spent many a night out on my own, sir,Ф Flinx told him, Уbut the offerТs appreciated. Thank you for your help. At least now I have a better idea of what happened, though not for the life of me why. Could you see if Mother Mastiff was among those running down the alley?SheТs not here.Ф
УSo I guessed from your look and words. No, I cannot say she was one of them. I saw only shapes that seemed to be human, or at least upright. But they seemed to run with difficulty.Ф
УMaybe they were carrying her.Ф
УIt may be, Flinx-boy, it may be. Surely she would not go off on her own with strangers without leaving you so much as a message.Ф
УNo, she wouldnТt,Ф Flinx agreed, Уand if she went with the people you saw, it wasnТt because they were her friends. The inside of the house is all torn up. She didnТt go with them quietly.Ф
УThen surely for some reason sheТs been kidnaped,ФArrapkha concurred. УFifty years ago, I might could give a reason for such a thing. She was a beauty then. Mother Mastiff, though she has not aged gracefully. Grace was not a part of her, not even then. A hard woman always, but attractive. But for this to happen now-У He shook his head. УA true puzzle. Did she have access to much money?Ф
Flinx shook his head rapidly.
УUrn. I thought not. Well, then, did she owe anyone any dangerous amounts?Ф
УShe owed a lot of people, but no great sums,Ф Flinx replied. УAt least, nothing that she ever spoke to me about and nothing I ever overheard talk of.Ф
УI do not understand it, then,Ф Arrapkha said solemnly.