"Alan Dean Foster - With friends like these." - читать интересную книгу автора (Foster Alan Dean)them in advance?"
The native smiled. "Sorry, hon, but these, um, gentlemen, just sort of dropped in on us. I promised them some ice cream." "I hope they like chocolate," she said. When they had been seated around the room, each being curling up according to the style fitting to its own physiognomy, Commander Rappan decided to break into the cheerful dialogue and get down to business. Fraternizing with the natives was all very well and good. No doubt the Xeno Department would approve. However, he was not so sure that his colleagues, hard-pressed to hold oft" the Yop waves, would see things in the same way. Unfortunately, this thing called ice cream got quite a grip on one's attention. Zinin was one of the few present to whom the concoction had pfoved unappealing. He leaned over and whispered to Phrnnx, "These are the deadly fighters we are supposed to enlist? Conquerors of the Veen fleets? Stuff of horror tales? Why, they look positively soft! I could crush that male under one paw. He hardly comes up to my eyes!" "Few of us do, oh hulking one," replied Phrnnx, adding a gesture indicative of second-degree ironic humor. "But that is hardly an indication one way or the other. Although I admit they do seem a bit on the pastoral side." Zinin snorted. "What star system are you folks from?' Not all from the same, surelyl" "Indeed," said the Professor. It occurred to him what had troubled his thoughts ever since they had met these natives. For a race that had not had extra-planetary contact for umpti-thousand Ipas they were treating the crew of the Tpin like next-door neighbors who popped over for a visit every time-period. Even the siblingтАФwhere had he disappeared to?тАФhad been fully self-possessed when confronted by what must be to him utterly strange beings. It was just a touch unnerving. "You might be interested to know that the Veen have been extinct for some 450,000 of your time- The biped nodded understandingly. "We guessed as much. When so much time passed and nothing file:///F|/rah/Alan%20Dean%20Foster/Foster,%20...20Dean%20-%20With%20Friends%20Like%20These.txt (8 of 89) [7/1/03 12:12:26 AM] file:///F|/rah/Alan%20Dean%20Foster/Foster,%20Alan%20Dean%20-%20With%20Friends%20Like%20These.txt happened, one way or the other, friendly or hostile... we assumed that we'd been forgotten and filed away somewhere." "Not forgotten," said the Professor. "Legends persist longer than their creators, sometimes. There was a period of... confusion... at the end of the Veen-Terran wars." Was that a twitch of reaction in the native's face? Yes? No? "When the bureaucracy set up by the Veen was submerged by a wave of would-be empire-builders, interstellar government pretty well collapsed. It took a while for things to straighten themselves out. Which is why we have not contacted you till now." Could he read the lie? "Another problem has arisen." The biped sighed again. "I was afraid this mightn't be a social call. What is your problem, Professor?" Backed at certain intervals by succinct comments from Rappan, he began to outline the present desperate situation with respect to the Yops, ending with a plea to forget any past differences and come to the aid of the Federation. The Terran had listened quietly to their arguments, unmoving. Now he sat in an attitude of intense concentration, seeming to listen to voices and thoughts outside their ken. When he at last raised his face to them again he wore a serious smile. "I must, of course, consult with and deliver your message to my... 'superiors.' Such a decision would be difficult for us to make. As you can see for yourselves"тАФhe made an all-encompassing |