"Alan Dean Foster - With friends like these." - читать интересную книгу автора (Foster Alan Dean)on any more of the tacky blue-black gunk.
"Yeah. So you'll understand, Hector, when I say the J.J.'s got to be in tiptop shape," "Ciertamente! You want to open her up, please?" Frank nodded and moved over to where the J.J. rested,'just inside the rolled-up armor-grille entrance to the big garage. He slid into the deep pile of the driver's bucket, flipped the three keys on the combination ignition, and then jabbed the hood-release switch. As soon as the hood started up he climbed out, leaving the keys in the On position. Hector was already bent over the car's power plant, staring intently into the works. "Well, Mr. Merwin, from what I can see your engine at least is in excellent condition, yes, excellent! You want me to fill 'er up?" Frank nodded wordlessly. He wasn't at all surprised at the mechanic's rapid inspection of the engine. After all, the J.J. had been given the best of professional care and the benefits of his own considerable work since he'd purchased her. Hector did not look up as he set about releasing the protective panels over the right-side .70 caliber. "If I may ask, how do you plan to go?" Frank had the big Meerschaum out and was tamping tobacco into it. "Hmm. I'll go down Burbank to the San Diego Freeway and get on there. It'd be a little faster to get on the Ventura, but on a trip of this length that little bit of time saved would be negligible and I don't see the point in fighting the interchange." Hector nodded approvingly. "Quite wise. You know, Mr. Merwin, you've got two pretty bad stretches on this trip. Very iffy, I readтАФabout your son. I sorrow. The jornada de la muerte comes eventually to all of us." Frank paused in lighting the pipe. "Couldn't be helped," he said tightly. "Bob didn't realize what was тАФwhat he was getting into, that's all. I blame myself, too, but what could I do? He was eighteen and by law there wasn't anything I could do to hold him back. He simply took on more than One of Hector's grease monks had wheeled over a bulky ammo cart. The mechanic waved the assistant off and proceeded about the loading himself. Frank appreciated the gesture. "A Cad, wasn't it?" "It was." He was leaning over the mechanic's shoulder, better to follow the loading process. Never could tell what you might have to do for yourself on the road. "What are you giving me? Explosive or armor-piercing?" "Mixed." Hector slammed down the box-load cover on the heavy gun. It clicked shut, locked. He moved away to get a small, curved ladder, wheeled it back. At the top he began checking over the custom roof turret. "Both, alternating sequence. True, it's more expensive, but after all your son's car was destroyed by a Marauder. A black one?" "Yes, that's right," said Frank, only mildly surprised. "How'd you find out?" "Oh, among the trade the word gets passed along. I know of this particular vehicle, I believe. file:///F|/rah/Alan%20Dean%20Foster/Foster,%20...20Dean%20-%20With%20Friends%20Like%20These.txt (18 of 89) [7/1/03 12:12:26 AM] file:///F|/rah/Alan%20Dean%20Foster/Foster,%20Alan%20Dean%20-%20With%20Friends%20Like%20These.txt Owner does a lot of his own work, I understand. That's tough to tangle with, Mr. Merwin. Might you be thinking ofтАФ" Frank shrugged, looked the other way. "Never know who you'll bump into on the roads these days, Hector. I've never been one to run from a dogfight." "I did not mean to imply that you would. We all know your driver's combat record, Mr. Merwin.There are not all that many aces living in the Valley." He gestured meaningfully at the side of the car. Eleven silhouettes were imprinted there. Four mediums, four compactsтАФcrazy people. Gutsy, but crazy. Two sportscarsтАФkidsтАФa Jag and a Vet, as he |