"Foster, Alan Dean - Flinx - Bloodhype" - читать интересную книгу автора (Foster Alan Dean)Johaun Repler's claim eventually proved the strongest. The AAnn demanded, however; and were granted sovereignty over, a small area south of the eventual capital. This was done to speed colonization and to promote a harmonious settlement. Actually, the Commonwealth had argued against the idea, the Church had been noncommittal, and the humans and thranx already settled positively blase. After all, the great majority of the planet was unexplored, and the AAnn could probably have established a secret station anyway. Why not be generous and give them one? When the AAnn found out that they wouldn't be allowed to use the interspace facilities at Repler City and that the largest island in their Enclave was insufficiently bedrocked to support a shuttle station of any size, they almost gave up the Enclave idea in disgust. But to refuse after having won the concession would have been twice as bad. It would have made the AAnn diplomats who had arranged tire treaty look ridiculous. This would be fatal to certain parties. Those same parties made sure that an elaborate facility was constructed on the main land mass. At least the oceanologists, a group that most AAnn considered congenital idiots, were happy. The AAnn home world and most of its colonies were desert?type planets. Those assigned to the Realer station were, with tire exception of the scientists, very unhappy reptiles. Major Orvenalix sat in his thimble?shaped chair and stared across at Kitten and Porsupah. At the moment the Major was employing his mid?pair of limbs tapping all four sets of claws on the table in front of him. The twelve digits made a considerable racket. The Major was about average height for a mature male threes, standing about midway between Kitten's and Porsupah's. His thorax was unusually broad and powerful. The black and silver harness reflected his occupation rather than personal tastes, which were less conservative. Also the result of his occupation was a premature purpling of the chiton, although his antennae were straight and strong. And the great compound eyes sparkled as brightly as those of any youth. The tapping stopped. The resultant silence was louder. Orvenalix spoke quietly. "Well! The magnificent, munificent Lieutenant Kai?sung has deigned to grace Operations with her presence!" The Major bowed ironically. That is, he inclined his head and b?thorax. Encased in bodies of unyielding armor, no thranx could manage a really smooth bow. "Bum it, Orvy!" "You will address me as becomes my rank, Lieutenant!" he roared, smacking the table hard with one truhand. |