"Foster, Alan Dean - Flinx - Bloodhype" - читать интересную книгу автора (Foster Alan Dean)

elsewhere. I still will not attempt to say whether it is more animal than
vegetable. It may, indeed, be neither."

"And your recommendations?" Laccota asked.

Carmod stood quietly for a long moment. "Raise ship and traverse parsecs as
fast as this antiquated tub will go.Ф

The captain's transparent nictitating eye membranes flickered. Even Paayton
was sufficiently stimulated to turn from his extended contemplation of the

"Indeed," murmured the captain. "And your reasoning?"

Cannot said simply, "I have a feeling."

"Really! You have a feeling. My, my. Shell of females, an interesting entry
to make in the log. Lord Ilogia will be most understanding and sympathetic.
You `have a feeling.' Rejected. First alternate proposal"

Carmot sighed?along, hissing sound, like a steam engine running down. "Tie
into the nearest intersystem relay. Use long band. Break in if you have to.
Contact the nearest planet where we have landing privileges?it will be
humanx controlled, of course...Ф

Laccota looked to the navigator. "Is there an appropriate place?"

Paayton's computer?trap mind turned businesslike. "Umm. The humanx Outpost
colony world of Repler might be . . . yes, I foresee no problems. A
sparsely populated world, much of it still in the wild state, with a
largely urban population and a considerable tourist trade. The largest
shuttle station is very modern, but not equipped to handle much in the way
of a naval force. No orbiting naval station. We have a fair?sized
diplomatic mission there, with plenty of privacy and room. 'The weather is
miserable, but most of the station is underground, naturally. It should be

"Contact them," continued Carmot. "Tell them we want the biggest freighter
in the sector, along with five or six of the largest shuttles, two of which
must be max?class, and about twenty miles of flexible harmony plating, with
plenty of tow cable. Operators for all, of course. Also, at least one
large, high?intensity beamer?it needn't be military; industrial strength
should do fine. One that can provide a steady output without burning out
every other time?length. Tell them to bring replacement parts, just in

"You plan to transport the thing, then?"

"If we can induce it to assume manageable proportions, yes. Prom
hindsight?clever Paayton's description of the station we have at this