"Foster, Alan Dean - Star Wars - Splinter Of The Mind's Eye" - читать интересную книгу автора (Foster Alan Dean)

"Now, woman, did I say where the transport was from?" Halla snorted derisively. "The Circarpousians... those provincials! This place is right in their backyard and they don't know about it. No, the Imperial government operates the mine and the towns direct."
"We suspected as much," Luke admitted.
"They monitor space out for many planetary diameters," Halla went on. "The Circarpousians have a pretty good colony going on Ten. If a ship passes anywhere close by, they shut down everything. The mine, the landing beacon, everything."
"I think I see why they didn't detect us," Luke ventured. Leia put out a restraining hand, looked at him warningly. He shook her off. "Either we trust Halla or we don't. She already suspects enough to turn us over to the local enforcers anytime she wants to."
He looked openly at the old woman. "We were traveling from Circarpous X to Four on business."
"You were coming from the Rebel base on Fourteen, you mean," Halla corrected him smugly. "So much for trust." When Luke choked on his reply, she waved it away. "Never mind, boy. The only government I recognize is my own. If I wanted to sell out the Rebels, do you think that base'd still be there?"
Luke forced himself to relax, smiled at her. "We were traveling in a pair of single-seat fighters. If the instrumentation here is standard, it's not calibrated to recognize anything that small. That must be why there's been no alarm raised. We got down undetected."
"Where are your two ships?" Halla asked with concern. "If they're nearby, they might be found soon."
Luke made an indifferent gesture in a generally northeast direction. "Out there, somewhere, several days' walking. That's if the muck that passes for ground here hasn't swallowed them up by now."
Halla gave a gratified snort. "Good! People don't stray very far from the towns. Not likely they'll be discovered. How did you manage to land without the field and beacon?"
"Land!" the Princess snapped. "That's funny. We ran into some kind of field-distortion effect, produced by the energy mining, I'll bet. It wiped out our onboard instrumentation. I'd expect a ship needs special shielding to pass through an atmosphere affected by that kind of waste energy. It's a damn good thing we did, though, or we would have set down right on the Imperials' field," she finished.
"You see, Halla," Luke explained. "You have to help us arrange off-world passage."
"Next to impossible, boy. Think of something else. You're here illegal, without proper identification. The moment anyone asks you to produce it and you can't, they'll dump you in the local lock-tight for questioning. The local head is a mind-ugly-ug named Grammel." She looked at each of them in turn, solemn. "A good man to avoid."
"All right," Luke agreed easily, "then if we can't leave through normal channels, you'll have to help us steal a ship."
For the first time since she'd joined them, Halla sat speechless. "Anything else you'd like, boy?" she finally wondered. "Grammel's cloak of office, or maybe the Emperor's Dualities? Steal a ship? You've got to be out of your mind, boy."
"We're in sound company, then," the Princess observed with satisfaction.
Halla turned on her. "I've had just about enough of you, little pretty. I'm not sure I need your help."
"Do you have any idea who I am?" the Princess started to tell her. She caught herself just in time. "Not that it matters. What does matter is that you can't do it, can you?"
Halla started to object but the Princess cut her off challengingly. "Can you?"
"It's not that I can't, little pretty," Halla said carefully. "It's that the risks involved to make it worthwhile..." She went quiet, finally looked up reluctantly at Luke. "All right, boy and lady. I'll help you steal your ship."
Luke looked excitedly over at the Princess, who continued to watch Halla. "On that one condition."
The Princess nodded knowingly. "What condition?" she inquired formally.
"You help me first."
"I don't see that we have much choice," Luke essayed. "What do you need us to help you with?"
"To find something," Halla began. "With your knowledge of the Force combined with mine, boy, it should be simple. But it's something I can't do alone, and something I can't trust anybody else with. I know I can trust you, because if you try to cross me, I'll sell you to Grammel."
"Sensible," the Princess noted easily. "You say the task will be simple. What are we supposed to find?"
Halla looked around the table with seriocomic intensity before turning back to them. "I don't suppose either of you children have ever heard of the Kaiburr crystal?"
"Right so far," Leia admitted, unimpressed.
"Your ignorance ain't surprising," Halla explained. "Only a few people familiar with the exploration of Mimban have heard of it. Circarpousian xenoarcheologists first heard about it on their one and only exploration expedition to this planet. They eventually decided it was a myth, a local tall story concocted by the natives in an attempt to coax more liquor from them. Mostly they forgot about it. But it was in the Imperial records when the mining outfit set up their hole here.
"According to the myth, the crystal is located in the temple of Pomojema. It's a minor local deity, say the greenies I've talked with."
"All sounds plausible," Luke was willing to concede. "Where's the temple?"
"A long haul from here, again according to the native information I've been able to piece together," Halla went on. "This world is rotten with temples. And remember, this Pomojema's a third-rate god. So nobody's been too interested in finding his temple-house."
"Temples, gods, crystals," the Princess murmured. "Okay, suppose this legendary place does exist," she hypothesized, jabbing an accusing finger at Halla. "This Kaiburr crystal, just what is it supposed to be... a big gemstone of some kind?"
"Of some kind," Halla confessed with that sly smile of hers. "Interested in spite of yourself, ain't you?" The Princess looked away.
"We're interested in anything that brings us closer to getting off here," Luke admitted. "I have to say this story of the crystal sounds intriguing on its own. What kind of gem is it?"
"Pfagh! I could care less what kind of necklace it could make for some spoiled noblewoman, boy." She eyed the Princess meaningfully before continuing. "I'm more interested in a certain property it's supposed to have."
"More stories," the Princess murmured. "How can you be so absolutely convinced, Halla? So certain that the xenoarcheologists weren't right and that it's all a native tale?"
"Because," Halla returned triumphantly, "I have proof!" Reaching into her suit top, she extricated a packet of insulating material and unrolled it on the table. It contained a tiny metal box. Using the nail of her right-hand little finger she turned the miniature combination lock several times. With an infinitesimal pop the tiny lid flipped open.
Luke peered close for a good look. The Princess did the same.
What they saw was a splinter of something that looked like red glass and glowed softly. The color was deeper, richer than red corundum. It had a vitreous luster resembling crystalized honey.
"Well," Halla asked them after a long moment, "now are you convinced I'm telling the truth?"
Still skeptical, the Princess sat back and looked askance at Halla. "A small fragment of radiant glass or plastic, or an ordinary silicate treated to glow. You expect me to accept that as proof?"
"This is a piece of the Kaiburr crystal itself!" Halla insisted, offended by her disbelief.
"Sure it is," the Princess agreed, nodding. "Where did you get it?"
"From a greenie, in exchange for a bottle of tipples."
Leia gave her a strained look. "So you're trying to tell us that one of the primitive, superstitious locals would part with a shard of some half-legendary gem, from one of his own temples, for a lousy bottle of liquor?"
"It wasn't his ancestor's temple or god," Halla countered with mild contempt. "Even if it was, it wouldn't matter. Look at the pitiful things." She gestured, and they saw the degraded, crawling beggars pleading with patrons for a chance to perform the most servile acts in return for a sip of alcohol.
"They'll do anything short of killing themselves for a drink. Perform the most menial jobs for days for a tenth of a bottle."
"Maybe you're right," Leia had to admit uncomfortably. "Just maybe this could be a piece of what you claim it to be from where you say it came from. I still don't see why you have this drive to go hunting for it, especially if you insist its jewel potential doesn't interest you."
"Still can't see, can you?" Halla murmured. She turned sharply to face Luke. "Touch it, boy."