"Janrae Frank - Dark Brothers of the Light 04 - Blood Wraiths" - читать интересную книгу автора (Frank Janrae)

Book IV


I. Blood Rites

II. Blood Heresy

III. Blood Dawn

IV. Blood Wraiths

Dedication: To the Folks at the Corner
Andreas Black, Dandelion King
Daniel Arenson, the Summoner of Peers
Debbie Moorhouse, the Evil Squirrel
Dr. Tim Fisher, Growling Bear
Jean-Loup Benet, Lord of Wolves
Karen E. Taylor, The Candlelight Queen.
Kyle Kucek, The Infamous One
Lena Sawyer, Sims Queen
Luna Black, Sadistic Mistress of Crits,
Morgan Sylvia, Her Royal Spookiness
Mark Prins, Niwi the Dungeon Master
Once there were three brothers, Brandrahoon the vampire, Isranon called the Dawnhand, speaker to
spirits, and Waejonan the Accursed, first of sa'necari. Isranon defied his brothers and was destroyed, his
descendants forced into the darkness.

St. Tarmus of Lorendon

"The Darkness hunts us and the Light does not want us. Better to step willingly into the fires than to live
undead. Better to die with honor than to take a life in the rites. Let each mon go to his own path, but
these are ours. And these will always be ours, for this is what we were born to. This is the path the gods
have given us, for we are the Dark Brothers of the Light. We are the walking dead who live, for our lives
were forfeit with our birth. Forfeit twice over for our choice to live as myn, not monsters, though we are
forced to dwell among the monsters. Set yourself apart in your words, in your deeds, in your
silencealways in your silence, for silence is your castle. Be as still as the deer in the forest, and if you are
fortunate the predators will not notice you. For when they notice you, they will eat you."

Creed of the Dark Brothers

Beware the Beast

Fear the night my darling child.