"Esther M. Friesner - A Beltaine And Suspenders" - читать интересную книгу автора (Friesner Esther M)

"He was last heard of in a village inn in Sussex which marked the last leg of

his walking tour. The innkeeper claimed that his lordship told various people in

the common room that he was heading homeward from Greater Ambrose. He then went

upstairs to his room. In the morning he was gone and all that was found was the

manuscript from which this monograph was later published as a memorial by Lord

Stilby-Nash's friends and associates."

"He . . . vanished?"Telemachus ' voice shrilled out of control and he lost all
mastery of his sweat glands.

"Oh, now see what you've done!" Olivia exclaimed impatiently. "You've sent poor

Tillyallrabbity . There, there,Tilly . No offense, but it wasn't the first time

one of the gentry skipped out on his host without paying the bill. He probably

shinnied down the ivy -- these rural inns are positively swarming with ivy --

and fell down an abandoned well shaft or something while trying to find his way

to the London coaching station in the dark."

Telemachussniveled just a bit before daring to ask whether Olivia really

thought that might be the case. She assured him it must be, and further

comforted him by promising to keep him safe from any wandering well shafts in

the vicinity when they took off after the fierce, fructiferous citizens of

Greater AmbroseSurlesard .

"Besides, as you yourself said, we must investigate. We owe it to posterity,"

she wheedled, and by this and comparable appeals to the Battle-Purfittsense of

duty she brought him around.