"Esther M. Friesner - A Beltaine And Suspenders" - читать интересную книгу автора (Friesner Esther M)"Your ladyship, your son spoke the truth." "Ha!" "As did Miss Drummond." "Ha ?" Lady Battle-Purfitt'sclear gray eye housed an armory of skewering glances of all calibers, rather an ocular version of the Swiss Army knife. Now she selected an especially keen exemplum of the species and gave it to Father Herrick right in the pineal gland. "Either there is peril or there is not. Which in turn means that either my son is a liar or Miss Drummond is -- not the perfect guest." She could think of nothing worse to say about a person. "There can be no two ways about it, Vicar. Zen has no place in Sussex." "I simply meant that both of them have told you the conditional truth, your ladyship." Father Herrick had a facile tongue and used it to good advantage now. "We go forth this morning in search of the small and somewhat obscure village of Greater AmbroseSurlesard . The peril hinges on when we come back." "Greater Ambrose 'somewhat obscure'?" her ladyship echoed. "Tosh. Why, that's just up the road from here. Simply everyone knows of it. They have the most charming, old-fashioned harvest fair miles about. During the late war, I took the city children there on several occasions, to share in the wholesome village entertainment." "Did you?" One of the vicars black brows rose, both his blue eyes waxed sharp |