"Esther M. Friesner - A Beltaine And Suspenders" - читать интересную книгу автора (Friesner Esther M)

that all your mother's prattle of field trips to view the jolly immolation of

the Greater Ambrose wicker man are just the fabrications of a mind with too

little to do and not much with which to do it."
"Our gracious hostess had mind enough to provide us with directions for reaching

the village, nonetheless," said Father Herrick, consulting the closely written

back of a greengrocer's bill. "We shall follow them."

"You're as potty as she is!" Olivia snapped.

Father Herrick gave her a patronizing smile. "My dear Olivia, no one is forcing

you to tag along. Feel free to go. The City and all its manifold delights await

you. Look, here's your luggage, and the trains to London run with astonishing


"And how am I to reach the railway station from here?" she demanded.

"Perpedesapostolorum. Shank's mare. On the heel and toe." The grin widened. "I

sincerely doubt whether her ladyship would feel disposed to place her motor at

your service after that bolt of improper language you loosed over the kippers.

Ergo, one must make do."

"See here, I don't mind a little walk-- thrive on 'em, as a rule -- but not with

all this to shoulder." She kicked the rather large valise which held her

seasonal finery, as well as the more portable rucksack containing her research

equipment. The smaller cases stuffed with presents, some fragile, were for that