"Maggie Furey - Artifacts of Power 1 - Aurian" - читать интересную книгу автора (Furey Maggie)

waters at the island with its tower and gave himself up to some
serious swearing. The child came running across the bridge, her
bare feet echoing on the planks. She skidded to a halt beside him.

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CKapter 1

"She threw you out, then.'-^iShe didn't sound in the least
surprised, but he read anxiety in her face. He sat up and groaned.

"What the bloody blazes was that?"

"An apport spell." Aurian sounded proud of knowing the right word.
"She's good at thoseтАФit's how she moved all the soil into the
Valley. She's had a lot of practice."

"An apport spell, eh?" Forral frowned, running his fingers
distractedly through his curling brown hair. "Aurian, how far
could she move me with that spell?"

The child shrugged. "About as far as she did, I think. You're
heavier than the loads she usually moves. Why?"

"I want to be sure she can't hurl me right out of this valley.
It's an unpleasant way to travel!"

"I think she expects you to ride the rest of the way," Aurian said
seriously, and Forral burst out laughing.

"I just bet she does! Well, she's in for a surprise. Aurian, how
would you like to help me set up camp?"

The child's face lit up with incredulous delight. "You mean you're

"It'll take more than a few wizardly shenanigans to chase me off,
lass. Of course I'm staying!"

Aurian had the happiest afternoon of her life. She and Forral set
up his camp in a copse of sturdy young beeches that grew to the
left of the bridge. She worried about his choice of spot, knowing
he'd be safer out of her mother's sight, but Forral simply
laughed. "This is exactly what I want, youngster. Whenever Eilin
looks out of her windows she's going to see me тАФright here. I
intend to be a thorn in your mother's side until she gives up this