"FWLS11" - читать интересную книгу автора (A Future We'd Like to See) "Great. So how do you reboot your mind?"
* I walked back home, handy umbrella and waterproof backpack keeping C'atel's constant rains away from my deck and trodes. The party breaks up as it usually does every single night of the week, Eroki begging Fluki to dance, Fluki refusing as he says it's 'conformist mass media', and Eroki wandering off to dance on her own. Fluki usually gets bored waiting and heads home, and I head home shortly after that. I got back to my cheap C'atel pad, the one with the 6-foot tall erotic dancer hologram advertising the seedier shops below my apartment. The view's great, but repetitive as the owner didn't bother paying for extra frames, and the think goes on the blink occasionally, horribly mutating the dancer's form to something no sane man should have to see. This buzzing in my noggin had been getting worse. I whapped myself a few times on the head to clear it up, the dream game blipping on for a momentary second, and the buzzing vanished without a trace. Then it came back, quiet, but steadily growing. I tapped again and left the game, and it stopped, then resumed. Hmmm. I tapped and entered, then lingered. No buzzing here. There seems to be quite a crowd, though. Why are my buds and family lined up along the street like that? "Tami?" I shouted, picking my 'wife' out of the crowd and dashing towards here. "What's goin' on, hon?" "It's the PRESIDENT!" she shouted with joy, bouncing up and down. "He's going on a parade route here in LA!" That's insane, were my first thoughts. Send the galaxy's most prominent political figure through an area plagued with gangs and violence for over a hundred years?! If that's not an obvious setup for something to go wrong-- Screaming, gunshots, whooshing noises. I was right. A huge red from swooped down from the sky, plucking That Wacky President from his limo's sun roof and carrying him off into the sky. "Quick, man!" Andre said, pulling up in a hoverjeep. "Get in! We gotta get the president!" "Andre?" I mused in confusion to my old best bud. "What are you doing here? And why are you dressed up in that silly |